• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Gnome + pop shell extension. Normal i3 tiling keybinds. All the following bindings include super. w for tabbed layout, f1 for calculator, f2 for Firefox, f3 for nautilus, f4 for settings, f5 for package manager. D for search which I can use like dmenu but much better. Shift+s for screenshot. Shift+q to quit application. I program with in the terminal so I need tiling for keyboard-only use. when I first used i3 I underrated tabbing. It solved nearly all of my problems with tiling.

  • “Linux” isn’t doing that because it’s not a centralized capitalist entity like google. Red hat is the best positioned entity to do it but I’m not sure if they have the ability to lobby manufacturers, sign deals with them, and market the platform like google did. There has to be a strong centralized drive towards this. If the Linux sector supports the idea, a central org has to be formed to do it and the whole sector has to support it.