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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • accideath@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldHappy Juneteenth everyone!
    11 days ago

    No probably with mac n cheese. Mild problem with processed cheese but if actual cheddar is used, that’s fine.

    What I do have a big problem with is kraft mac n cheese mix. Got my hands on an American pack of it and it was disgusting. Tasted like I had just drenched the macaronis in weirdly sticky butter.

  • The problem was less parallel processing but that every one of the cell‘s 8 co-processors (SPE) needed to be individually programmed. The 360 had a tri core design that was much easier to develop for and take full advantage of. Thus, most 360 games, especially early in the generation, look and/or perform better than their ps3 counterparts, since the latter usually only ran on the one regular processor core (PPE) that the cell had, without taking Ananas off the SPEs. Notable exceptions are the ps3 exclusive titles and some other later games, that took partial or even fully advantage. Even Naughty Dog only used 3-4 SPEs in their earlier uncharted games, while their later games like the last of us uses them all.

  • I think one of the issues, why there terminal is seen as necessity is, that there are almost no tutorials that refer to the gui. So if you’re a newbie and try to find out how something works like adding a third party repo to your package manager or making an install script executable, all you get is a command. You don’t get a “add this address to the list in the settings menu of your package manager, which you can find here”, for example.

  • They are indeed usually in inches but that’s probably bleeding back to Europe from the US. And most people don’t actually know how much that would be in metric. It’s sometimes listed but no one I know actually uses those numbers. We just know that 65 is bigger than 55, etc. If we want to know if it fits in our living rooms, then we look at the actual size in cm. I also couldn’t think of anything else that’s imperial, at least here in Germany.

  • accideath@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldShit...
    29 days ago

    Chromium was, however, a Google product from the very beginning that Google open-sourced themselves. Linux is too big with too many non-profit and for-profit companies and tons of independent individuals participating in its development for one person or company to control it outright.

    I mean, sure, for profit companies like Red Hat, SUSE, Canonical do have some influence but not so much that you can’t ignore their contributions if you don’t like them.

    For example, some ubuntu based distros (i.e Mint) circumvent snap from being installed the ubuntu way (without asking) because it goes against their philosophy. And if that’s still too much Ubuntu for you, there’s a Debian Edition of mint. And if that’s still too same-y for you, there are dozens of other distros based on slackware, rhel/fedora, arch, Gentoo, etc. There even are Linux distros without GNU.

    So, unless Muskiboy buys Linus Torvalds, I think the Linux community could easily ignore him building his own xOS.

  • Bing is the default engine in Edge which is the default browser on Windows. There’s a huuuge demographic who doesn’t care enough to change either of those.

    Also, Bing profits from other search engines using their results as a base. DuckDuckGo, for example, uses Bing as their primary source for search results. And in my experience is better at it than google, these days.

  • The gap has been favouring bing (DuckDuckGo) for a while now in my experience. Every time I use Google or just doesn’t find what I’m looking for. Just a few days ago, when Bing was down and I had to use Google, I tried searching for the new beta nvidia Linux drivers. Google didn’t even include the official nvidia site in the first page of results. When I later searched for the same thing again, using DuckDuckGo, it was the first result… and stuff like that happens every time I need to use Google. The only category Google still seems to have a slight edge in is current (as in happening right now) events.

  • Yea, had to use google for a few searches and man was it frustrating. Like, I was looking for the new beta nvidia drivers on Linux, and google, for some reason, didn’t see it necessary to show me the official nvidia site in the first page of results. In DuckDuckGo, later that day, when it was available again, it was result N°1

  • accideath@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldtoxic help forum
    1 month ago

    Yea, bit gimp is particularly difficult to learn. A few years ago, when I first needed something more complex than paint.net, I of course first downloaded gimp because it’s free. It was difficult to use, to say the least. But sure, I didn’t have any experience with more complex image editors. However, just to see what the difference is, I also downloaded Photoshop and didn’t have any trouble at all. Everything I needed to do was easily understandable and the UI was very easy to use. I haven’t used any once of them before and I haven’t used Gimp since. (Also tried krita btw, only found it mildly easier to use than gimp, still miles behind Adobe).

    That isn’t to say, that professional OpenSource software can’t be intuitive and well designed. Today I used kdenlive for the first time because premiere didn’t support the codec+container combo I need and it was a very pleasant experience. A very familiar interface, if you’ve used any video editor before. I didn’t go in-depth but it didn’t immediately alienate me like gimp did.