• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • aidan@lemmy.world
    toComic Strips@lemmy.worldMother Gaia and Humans
    1 month ago

    you are not as free to think as much as you think you are

    All of those things are things that are very easy to say no to? I swapped the battery on my phone, I don’t have a car but “my” car at my parents house is from '99. I eat food that I like. I’m not saying I’m impervious to bad decisions, or even that these are always bad decisions, but the people who buy a new phone or car every few years its because they like to.

  • aidan@lemmy.world
    toAutism@lemmy.worldI think I'm autistic
    2 months ago

    Autism and many other DSM diagnosis’ don’t really describe anything than arbitrarily grouped symptoms, if you have those abritrarily grouped symptoms you are “autistic” but that doesn’t mean it has the same cause, effect, or treatment as others with similar symptoms.

  • being pro cop and antiprogressive is conservative.

    I am neither of those things. And it’s very condescending to assume you know what I am. Well it depends what “anti progressive” means, I support some progressive stances but oppose others.

    If you’re not applying pressure for reformation

    Again, you don’t know me.

    The rich aren’t progressive. Companies pandering to diverse customers aren’t progressive

    They may or may not be. I think it’s wrong to assume companies aren’t just made of people, and people may make some logical oversights of their beliefs to keep their standard of living and job.

    Social media companies don’t censor conservatives unfairly, instead they protect conservatives from the policies they implement to prevent brands from pulling advertising.

    Why would brands pull their advertising? No person sees an Amazon ad on something dumb and thinks that means Amazon endorses that belief. There are however certain organizations such as the ADL that pressure companies into pulling their ads.

    Accurate descriptions of reality in science and journalism tend to support progressives more than conservatives, with publications often introducing inaccuracies to prop up conservative positions.

    This is true. Progressivism has a basic moral value of utilitarianism. Conservatism basic moral values are religion and tradition. Of course one of those has more evidence for it.

    Many agents that I thought were left wing actually weren’t, instead only supporting left wing causes for personal gain.

    Well isn’t that a lot of those out of power too? After all, one of the biggest criticism of poor Trump voters was that they were voting against their interest. They weren’t voting for personal gain. Which would imply that at least some less conservative voters were convinced by that argument. Maybe no one votes in their interest, but at least conventional wisdom was the two wolves and a sheep saying.

    Empirical observations are almost always in opposition to right wing plans for improving society.

    You know, how you define improving society depends on your values. We probably agree on some parts of the definition and disagree on others.

    Exclusively right wing plans never make things better for the weak; never.

    That’s not to mention the definitions of right and left wing tend to depend on the person.

  • I appreciate you sharing, but I think you’re misunderstanding me and what I was saying. I am not conservative, nor am I progressive. My point was just that progressivism was the dominant ideology of authority in most of my upbringing. Being the authority ideology doesn’t inherently make it wrong, or its “designated opposition” right. I have a few fundamental values that are based(like I think deep down probably everyones) on my intuition and emotion. I then try to interpret how certain things align with those values. Its true that probably at least some of the basis for those values were initially rebelliousness- but that doesn’t exactly make them wrong. I also don’t know that I agree there is such a thing as a fundamental truth- but I’m curious what you are the likely answers to (and what are) humanity’s biggest questions?

  • aidan@lemmy.world
    toComic Strips@lemmy.worldPls pls pls....
    2 months ago

    Especially because average privilege accross a demographic says nothing of a given individuals privilege.

    But I think that’s not the only reason people feel this way, but also because for the people we interact with they are the authority. Most of my teachers were progressive, anti-capitalist, and ERFs(I don’t know about trans exclusionary since they never talked about it)- but said ridiculous things like “men can’t get raped”. This might’ve been just my school, but especially amongst girls, anyone suspected of being “conservative” was bullied. I wasn’t conservative but was pretty argumentative, and I have someone email my school email thanking me for saying what they wanted to say but were too scared to.

    Remember for a lot of people my age, early 20s and late teens, when we were growing up people who made funny memes(like from our perspectives Alex Jones or whoever) were being banned while the inverse wasn’t happening.