• 8 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • The point I’m making is that when people frame this as “some people just aren’t built to handle it” they put people into two groups: the easily addicted, and normal people.

    What makes you think I am doing that? All I was trying to say is that something serious must be happening for someone to get addicted from trying low dose amphetamine once. Suggesting that’s a common outcome is the most DARE shit I have ever fucking seen.

    I think that’s an incredibly dangerous framing of addiction. Everyone is capable of becoming an addict. Just because some never do, doesn’t mean they had some special mutation that protected them. Addiction is an incredibly social disease, and with how little we know about it we should be more cautious rather than callous when discussing it.

    You’re aiming this at the wrong person. I am not the one suggesting here that addiction is purely down to genetics. Addiction comes down to a lot of different situational and psychological risk factors. Poverty being a big one, as well as stress, depression, anxiety, and so on. You don’t need any genetic predisposition to become an addict, I agree with you there.

  • areyouevenreal@lemm.eetoADHD Women@lemmy.worldHow some of us found out...
    1 day ago

    You’re going to need some serious evidence for that one. Most people become addicts because they have something to run from like mental health issues or bad life circumstances. You can have a genetic susceptibility to addiction, but that would probably require you take it more than once unless another issue is in play.

    Edit: in fact even then getting addicted to amphetamines on one try, from the relatively low doses doctors give for ADHD is very unlikely.

  • Text and images and hyperlinks; maybe audio and video if you’re lucky and you can prove you can be trusted.

    Those things still require a GPU to render efficiently.

    All the other stuff you talk about don’t need a GPU or really any systems permissions at all. So even if the web changes to your twisted view the flatpak would still require the same permissions. All you’ve just proven is that you don’t understand technology.

    If any such thing as GPU access is provided it should be to deposit data, not to run code.

    You don’t know what a GPU is apparently. Regardless the same access is needed for both.

    Also you use Lemmy, which requires scripting. Pretty much every online game, shopping website, calculator, and so on require scripting of some kind. Scripting isn’t just for bad things like tracking. It makes a lot of cool stuff possible, that you doubtlessly use everyday. As a plus it’s generally more secure to use a web app than have a myriad of different programs or applets replace all these different things, as websites are sandboxed. There is a reason JavaScript replaced Flash and Java applets.

    You’re confusing a technology problem with a society/capitalism problem.