Queer✨Anarchist Anti-fascist

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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 14th, 2023


  • It does make me a little uncomfortable to see intimate displays of affection in public. It doesn’t matter if it’s straight or gay or whatever.

    I have gotten comfortable with the discomfort… it’s not their problem to deal with, it’s mine.


    As my views matured, I’ve grown to realize that forcing people to comply with the comfort of people is inherently oppressive, and that when I’m in public, I’m not entitled to complete comfort.

  • I’m not a big fan of straight people holding hands or kissing in public. Like, i support people doing things like that in the privacy of their home, but they don’t need to force themselves upon is and shove their straightness down our throats. Essentially, I don’t think straight people should be able to openly exist in public, since their existence is forcing it down our throats, so they should just go back into the closet.


  • It’s been a rough week at work, and being in an environment where we are all on call and numerous people are subbing for others who are having life get in the way, a lot of people are working late and taking weekend shifts that they would have otherwise had off.

    One of my college friends works with me, and I know his responses to these questions pretty well, and boy howdy have I seen him go through all of these responses in order as things got worse and worse while the director pops in and out of call to check on us and get updates on the situation.

    Considering we would have had the weekend off and both of us stayed very late, things are going pretty OK, all things considered. Can’t complain too much if I’m still truckin’

  • It was a project requirement, PHI was processed by it, so yes, it needed a secure connection. I now realize I should have used mutual auth, but hey, I only learned about that after that project

    We never sent actual data to it (the actually sensitive data used for training never left a secure VM), but the point of the course was to act like we were. Plus, setting up an nginx reverse proxy is simple, setting it up and getting certs from some ssl commands is a 10 minute task that appeases the project manager/professor with minimal effort.

  • I was doing a group project in college where we had a Linux server running some of our custom software. I asked a group mate who worked in IT to self-sign some certs so we could get https up and running for our next sprint demo.

    He installed a fucking snap package to do it via certbot. On fucking RHEL. And that server was not hosting an internet-accessible service. And he didn’t know why I lost my mind.

  • Representative democracy’s flaw is that representatives have little accountability. A bad actor has 2-6 years to do whatever they want. Enrich themselves, their friends, benefit a company that will give them an extremely cushy consultancy role when they leave the government, enact deeply unpopular laws, etc.

    When you consider other things like the fact that representatives (at least in the us) are usually from a political class that has nothing in common with the working man, the fact they are almost never minoritized demographics, and they never see their constituents face to face until its time to hit the campaign trail, it’s no surprise they don’t value your interests until its time to demand your vote come November.

  • Lmao, the other day I had to whitelist some domains used for phishing training emails in the anti-phishing software we use just so they wouldn’t get nuked, then I had to whitelist them in another anti-phishing software so they wouldn’t have - huge red header injected on the top of the email body warning the user it was phishing.

  • bl_r@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoaww@lemmy.worldToo smol
    2 months ago

    I wish my cats were too small to press my keys

    I’ll get up to get coffee and see my cat loafing on the numpad and there’s a slack message of a bunch of random numbers still getting typed

    And she bites me when I try and push her off!

  • I’ve met plenty of LGBT, geeks, on the spectrum, and otherwise different folk who are a part of the punk and metal scenes

    Me too.

    I was volunteering with an anarchist mutual aid group and one of the volunteers was wearing a punk war vest (idk if punks have their own term for it, I’m a metal head) with a variety of punk patches and queer buttons.

    Maybe it’s just a symptom of only seeing shows in a city with a good radical scene, but most people I’ve met are completely normal and don’t have any concerning things like a punisher tattoo or a thin blue line shirt, etc.

  • I mean, I haven’t dealt with proselytizers in so long I kinda forgot about them. I used to get the odd mormon or Jehovah’s witness but they stopped coming a long while ago, and I don’t miss em.

    Numbers 5: 11-21 is pretty good imho. But I rarely debate religious people since I’ve gotten in a position where I really don’t see people like that anymore between the online algorithms which don’t show that shit and the fact that there aren’t too many religious people near me who are fascistic.