• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtoLemmy.World Announcements@lemmy.worldLooking for new Site Admins
    7 days ago

    Oh please. Power hungry? I have no problem with piracy, but you bet your ass I wouldn’t want the legal liability of hosting a piracy community. Do you know that in many countries, mods/admins are risking jail time when they participate in stuff like that? God forbid, some people don’t want to have to worry about going to jail. Get over yourself. There are plenty of other piracy communities all over the internet you can find on your own.

  • I’m not quite the same demographic as you, but I get it.

    For me, it’s simply not possible to have kids unless I adopted. And that ain’t happening (adoption is a long, arduous, and expensive process and I’m only one person…wouldn’t want to take that alone). I suppose technically my body might physically be able to produce kids…I haven’t tried, but that’s missing the point.

    People sometimes ask me if I want kids and it’s just such a silly question for someone like me. It’s like asking if I had a mega mansion, how would I decorate the 7th bathroom? What I want is irrelevant because that’s not at all in the realm of possibility.

    I don’t know if I would want kids or not. But since it’s not possible, it’s not worth dwelling over.

  • In school, my method of studying was to panic and do nothing until the night before. Then I would stay up all night before whatever test I had and study then. I remember always hearing that you don’t learn anything that way, but I made it through 4 years of undergrad and 2 years of grad school that way. My grades were just fine.

    My sanity, however, was not. Lol!!

  • dingus@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt's the talk of the town
    9 days ago

    Not really. Because my monthly bills don’t come at the same time each month. It would probably be harder to coordinate bills if you’re paid monthly here anyway. Makes more sense to have a steady cash flow imo. Imagine living paycheck to paycheck and your bill is due on the 28th, but you don’t get paid until the 1st. Some people might run out of money before their bill is due and they don’t get their next paycheck yet.

  • It’s not even a shadowban thing. I’ve noticed a lot of subs have hidden requirements for your post to show up in them. If you don’t have enough posts in the sub or your karma isn’t high enough, even if you’re not shadowbanned, your threads just straight up won’t show up… especially if you made a new account recently. But it doesn’t tell you that. It just lets you think that no one cared to look at your post.

    I’ve noticed that some subs don’t seem to be this way and my threads will show up regardless of how often I’ve posted there and regardless of my overall karma.

  • The mini-split route idea is a great solution, but I am wondering if you have an unvented or poorly insulated attic that is a contributing factor to your problem. If your attic space isn’t setup properly and you throw a mini-split at the problem, it is sort of like pumping water out of a boat without fixing the leak that is flooding the boat. Even something as “simple” as a powered attic vent could help in HVAC performance and operating costs. If the hot air can’t vent or your insulation is inadequate, it just stacks down and heats the top floor.

    Unfortunately, I don’t live in a free-standing house. It’s a townhouse, so it’s connected to other units so I don’t think that I can make changes to the attic.

    The other thing I would be looking at is if the HVAC run up to the second floor is done properly or if the dampers are not right. A house that size really shouldn’t have much trouble if everything is balanced right.

    I don’t seem to have any dampers at all as far as I can tell.

    Having the nest with a second temp sensor would just force your HVAC to work harder to cool the upstairs.

    Yeah, I get that I would be pushing the HVAC system to simply be on more, but at the very least I could actually set the temperature upstairs instead of having it fluctuate so wildly. Often, I’ll set the temp low at night to be more comfortable. It’ll be to the point where I’m basically freezing with the sun down. But then in the morning, when the sun rises it’s unbearably hot.

    The single sensor nest can be a smart move to reduce costs with the higher degree of control.

    What do you mean by this?

    Having dampers installed does more or less the same thing as closing vents, but with a higher cost. A zoned system is expensive and kind of silly on a house of that size.

    So there’s no real reason to get dampers installed then?

  • Thanks for this. I often get downvoted in online conversations when I mention that I bike on the sidewalk. People claim that it’s illegal everywhere or that I’m out here mowing down pedestrians or something. This is the US we’re talking here…outside of major urban areas, there are really hardly ever that many people on the sidewalk. It’s not hard to give pedestrians space while cycling on the sidewalk unless you’re in an urban area. I’m sure as hell not needlessly risking my life in some dangerously suicidal excuse for a “bike lane” here in the US. Painting a bike symbol on the shoulder of a 50mph road and calling it a “bike lane” is ridiculous.

  • That’s cute that your area of the US has a parking zone to divide the main road from the bike lane.

    In most places I’ve lived in the US, they simply paint a bike symbol on the shoulder of a 50mph road and call it a bike lane. You’re only inches from people driving like they are on a raceway. It’s a suicide lane if you ask me and I refuse to use them. It should be illegal to call such a shitty and dangerous area of the road a “bike lane”.