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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I know a place where they still do this. They’ve got an 8-digit user count, 7 digit monthly profits, all running on one server that costs something like $20 a month. They’ve downsized a few years ago to single-digit employee number and just sit there and collect profits. And this is why I’m now working for a company that casually dropped a few grand for a glorified CPU usage meter and a few grand on top of that for deployment tool that does the same thing that the old guy at a former place was doing with his trusty FTP client.

  • Exactly! I rant about this a lot, but I know at least couple of people who run with laptops that have broken audio. As it turns out, installing sound card drivers is not really an option as the janky-ass drivers that the manufacturers put out nowadays can irreparably brick your entire system. It is beyond my understanding why recovery, restore, and even safe mode would even try to load them in the first place, but, apparently they do, and then crash before you could even do anything, leaving re-install as the only option.

    Meanwhile, I rm -rf-ed my /boot directory the other day, and then df-ed a couple gigs of /dev/zero straight into /dev/sda. Got it back up running in just a few hours… of kicking myself for why would I do such a stupid thing.

  • If you got compose key (linux, mac, windows with third party software), then those are trivial:

    ë ñ ũ ü, and even åâăāãȧaąàáæª₂2²

    Goes like Compose e ", Compose n ~, etc

    But a thing to note that resulting letters are generic and not region-specific,


    is not the same as ё (U+0451 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO)

    Which might trigger spellcheckers or not even be displayed in certain fonts

    There’s also apparently some weird combos like Compose+:) for and Compose+CCCP for , but no easily available keys for greek letters unless you tweak configs…

  • A think to note is that it was completely salvageable. I believe it’d be just a matter of running sudo apt-get install pop-desktop and he’d be back on track. Meanwhile, on windows, download a sound card driver from manufacturers site, click “install”, and your OS won’t ever boot again, not in safe mode, not in recovery from live usb, not anyhow, because it always tries to load all drivers, including broken ones for some reason.

  • drathvedro@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlLemmy today
    1 month ago

    Both of course, but if I had to choose, Cloudflare. Definitely Cloudflare. That company must be purged by fire and magnets. Sure, casinos are evil, but they mostly stay in their lane doing their thing of preying on the vulnerable. When Cloudflare just straight up breaks half the internet for lunch and there’s, by design, no way around it.

  • The key here I think is the NAND. I know you can do practically anything with only NAND gates. But without it, and with just control structures, I don’t think there’s a way to perform computation unless there is some theoretical voodoo withcraft possible, something like nop-padded cellular automata given the infinite memory. But I don’t have any qualification to talk about this, I’m just some random dude who flunked out of the university but finished all Zachtronics games.

  • Haha, nope. The links points to a table of contents after which you are on your own. The right link should point to a specific page instead, but the problem here is that postres docs are poorly optimized for search engines. If you click on the top link from google, you would see there’s a notice that the page is outdated, with a link to a current version, but said link is dead. It’s not an issue I’ve ever experienced with mysql docs for example.

    And yes, w3schools, despite how terrible it is, is still above the official docs because it is more popular with newbies. I remember a time when I just started, I preferred sites like it, because they were simple and on point, rather than technically correct and comprehensive like the official docs are. If you forgot the feeling, try learning math on wikipedia (assuming you don’t have a math degree).

    For the rest I cannot argue. Generated/AI shit is indeed ruining the internet and search engines giving up and joining them isn’t helpful either.