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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • My state is winner take all.

    If my vote does not affect outcome put only expresses support, I am voting for somebody actually good (often from the Green Party).

    Even if it was 55/45, nothing would change. The Senate would be very close, if not in favor of the candidate who got 45%. The House would probably also be close, because the legislatures of the states that voted for the 45% candidate would still gerrymander. The only change could come from the states that voted for the 55%. If they gave all of their votes to whoever won the national popular vote, nothing would change. If they did proportional allocation, then it would get even worse.

    My vote does not matter.

  • It does not matter who I vote for for federal office. My state is never close to competitive and my house district is gerrymandered.

    If fascists win my districts for state office, it will not affect the balance of power in the state assemblies.

    So I told all of the Democrats running for state and local office that if there is not a primary for the presidential election, then I will not vote for any Democrats in the general elections in 2024, for any office. Maybe they can put pressure on the DNC.

    This is the only way I can potentially have any input.

    The only way this works is if Democrats would shift left if they started losing elections because people refused to vote for old white male conservative Democrats.

    But I fear they would actually shift right. The Democratic Party is not a big tent that holds both the neoliberal corporate shills and the progressives. It is a hostage situation where the neoliberal corporate shills demand our support, otherwise the fascists will kill us.

  • Spring combines combinations of environment variables, system properties, files, and classpath resources, and handles a variety of patterns (e.g.: aConfigOption could be configured by system property A_CONFIG_OPTION, aConfigOption, or several other possibilities), so tracking down where the configuration came from is not always easy. Sometimes you think you can just set a property, but it turns out another property triggers loading a resource that overrides yours. This would be fine if applications/libraries clearly documented how to configure them, but most say “config via spring, good luck lol”.

    And good luck if you are trying to use two different components both built on Spring, and they both rely on the dependency injector settings “db.url”. Now you have to start playing games with dependency injector scopes.

  • Nothing? I just use the language features and I use libraries for specific things.

    I do not use an automagic configuration and dependency injection boondoggle. I read config in main(), create the objects I need, and do what I need. It is easy to see what my program does; it is easy to see where configuration comes from. It is easy to test any component, because you can clearly see what you need to provide to build the entry point objects.

  • While you are mastering Spring, I am mastering libraries that do the thing my program needs to do.

    While you are trying to debug to your Spring app, which is a huge PITA because Spring is a rat’s nest of conflicting configuration paradigms and overlays and fills your call stack with dozens of layers of generated methods, I have finished my work and am at the beach helping my coworker debug his Spring app because he didn’t listen to me when I said not to use Spring.