Desert Nomad, First Responder, Reverend, Intelligence Analyst, Computer Expert, Cowboy, Sorcerer, Metaphysician, Polymath.

  • 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023

    • Women hide thier skin, lips, and age
    • Men hide thier jawline with beards and their insecurities are buried so well, they forget it themselves as a defense mechanism hoping the mental/emotional weakness will “heal” by next confrontation
    • Humans hide thier weakness,
    • Thier competitive business plans
    • Patents until they are published
    • Who are you falling in love with at the start
    • Exactly how much you are attracted to a person
    • Who you have a crush on
    • Your answer to a $10,000 competition
    • Your lottery ticket
    • The location of your gold and gun
    • The location of your child when allowed online
    • Whether someone is away from home for extended periods of time, you leave the lights and TV on.
    • Inventions until it’s marketed
    • Science Fair Project until it’s unvieled
    • Presents until they are opened
    • Your private parts
    • Your private thoughts on your marriage

    Have you ever grabbed a childs private parts? NO of course not, because you INNATELY UNDERSTAND even though you are not a parent and don’t remember being one yourself. In fact you understand it so well that if you were to do so publcally, you’re putting your life at risk.

    CONCLUSION: Privacy is natural and helps give confidence and security to an individual but they want access to your weaknesses and privates anyway.

    EVIDENCE: Privacy Violation is a specific tactic meant to break people …IN PRISON…since they begining of time, Gulags.

    P.S. Stop showing nude baby pictures at reunions to those that did not raise or grow up with the child in the family who already saw them naked, and only while they are still a child and not a teenager, otherwise that is a serious privacy violation. In fact, just don’t take the picture, where did you even get that you lazy lubricated louse.

  • What a superb list! Saved.

    I was thinking of writing a guide on how to lead a digitally private and secure “life” since so many bad guides are out there.

    I’d like to add that the best private and secure Operating Systems are:

    • BSD
    • HardenedBSD
    • Commercial UNIX (HP-UX, AIX, IRIX)
    • Void & Alpine Linux
    • Indie Operating Systems

    Private Search Engines

    Private Browsers

    • Lynx
    • Librewolf
    • Waterfox
    • Qutebrowser
    • Hardened Firefox (at my repo)

    Qubues runs containers yes, but the unique use of a paravirtualized Fedora Linux kernel itself leaves open lots of unique security holes and is therefore extremely hard reviewing the security of it yourself.

    GrapheneOS is constantly being showboated by Ed Snowden which is a red flag and I did experience app contamination on it. I would also suggest PostmarketOS. Definite no on CalyxOS.

    I’d like to throw in my own Free Open Source, git clone, security repositories for BSD and Firefox available on Bitbucket, Github, and my own self-hosted git server with the latest files. All my software is currently written in Python (my very first Python scripts!) and short so it’s very easy to review.

  • Very intersting! I’m not so sure about the oathiness of:

    1. I will make frequent, small, releases so that I do not impede the progress of others.
    2. I will do all that I can to keep the productivity of myself, and others, as high as possible. I will do nothing that decreases that productivity.

    But I think the real oath impact there is:

    1. I will continuously ensure that others can cover for me, and that I can cover for them.

    In Government work that, ^, is considered career ending.

    I will improve upon this, thanks for the awareness.

  • Superb for including the Engineering Code of Ethics which I didn’t know exsisted! In my decades of working on every part of Computer Systems, Information Systems, unfortunately, I personally think if you work for Big Tech, you cannot abide those Code of Ethics. From the website>

    Fundamental Canons

    Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall:

    1. Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
    2. Perform services only in areas of their competence.
    3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
    4. Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
    5. Avoid deceptive acts.
    6. Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.

    How many Google Code Monkeys violate 1 or more of those on the daily? For instance in Canon 1, it does not say profit is paramount, but that public welfare is paramount. In fact, you could argue that is a competing objective working for Big Tech and following ethics.

  • Maybe, postulating, as I consider myself an Engineer and not a Developer.

    Tangentially related:

    Brainstorm thoughts dated just now

    I guess it’s in the conveyance of the word? Engineer seems like fitting a puzzle piece. Creating Software in a vast eco-system of language, OS, Frameworks, Platforms, Networks, and views it’s progression in time. For instance planned obsolescence, graceful failure in the “pipeline of things”, tolerates network topology changes, etc.

    Maybe Engineers build with well designed, graphed/drawn, and planned strategy of the components in interaction with all other systems, including OS failings, local Network failing, Internet failing, Management Failings (workplace), on and on. The more things you can account for the more brilliant an Engineer you are.

    Software Developer seems more linear. You take an idea and start with a good program. Then it’s built up and up until it becomes a great piece of Software.

  • So many great viewpoints here. Crystal for faster and concurrent Ruby. Crystal has a pretty advanced Web Framwork called Lucky not many know about. Haskell so good, but hard to convince people to use it for projects. Haskell also has a very advanced Web Framework called Integrated Haskell Platform. Scala’s very impressive feature set. Zig is in such a super position and Julia is capable in so many ways including Fortran integration.

    I’m surprised no one has mentioned Chapel or Nim though! My favorite programming speed benchmark is spectral norm and even though Chapel is the fourth fastest language (not benchmark) it’s not using the forte of grid parallelism!

    Nim is getting to be quite the monster and not beholden to Mega-Corps finance/steering like Python and Go are.

    Also I want to add that Zig blows Rust away in many performances!

    NOTE: Just as an ethical, solo, non-commercial Engineer, I sponsor Nim on Patreon and Zig on Github

    Full Disclosure: It was me that downvoted preferences for Python and Go as the one language. One lang a low level scripting lang? Preposterous! LISP can do/be anything for example. Get out of here with that undercover marketing/influencer speak!