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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2024

  • It’s still “bad” for some values of bad. I’ve demonstrated on my own farm that it’s possible to employ permaculture-ish principles (permies freak out when I say that) and make an adequate living. But make no mistake, you are supplanting nature and interacting with it in competitive and often adverse ways no matter how what practices you use. It’s kind of a spectrum - the better the interface with nature is, the less viable it is financially and vice-versa.

  • The difference is that jobs and places to work are extremely diverse. It’s not always easy but you can find something that at least is a tolerable way to make a living. For most folks there are lots of options. With the education system… if you don’t fit into that cookie-cutter hole, there are no alternatives except don’t go, which is straight up illegal in a lot of places until your 18.

  • I will never love myself, does that means I earned my loneliness?

    It means you deserve loneliness. Because you didn’t take responsibility for doing the one MOST BASIC thing, which is to love yourself and believe in yourself. It doesn’t have to be perfect or 100% (in fact better not!) but you do have to be able to see the good in yourself such that you can have confidence others will see it too.

    Instead you blame others for it and feel sorry for yourself. You don’t even seem to realize that it’s this fact and your lack of responsibility toward yourself that is the reason others may find it hard to love you.

    You and only you are responsible for that. Fix that and you fill not be lonely. Nobody wants to be around someone like that.

  • This is your primary issue right here. You value yourself so little that the only value in life you see is in being in a relationship. Or to put it another way, you only see value in yourself when you think others value you. Which means, as others have alluded to and very much not coincidentally, that you will not be successful in a relationship. If you can’t accept and love yourself for who you are, others will inevitably have a hard time doing so as well.
    Given your responses thus far you won’t take this well because you are convinced you know better. And that is your secondary issue.

    To answer your question: It’s over-rated and not all it’s cracked up to be. It has benefits but so does being single.

    But if you want to experience, stop feeling sorry for yourself. Grow up and learn to value you for who you are or nobody else will.

  • This sounds excessive, that’s almost 1.1$/day, amounting to more than 2kWh/24hrs, ie ~80W/hr? You will need to invest in a TDP friendly build. I’m running a AMD APU (known for shitty idle consumption) with Raid 5 and still hover less than 40W/h.

    This isn’t speculation on my part, I measured the consumption with a Kill-a-watt. It’s an 11 year old PC with 4 hard drives and multiple fans because it’s in a hot environment and hard drive usage is significant because it’s running security camera software in a virtual machine. Host OS is Linux MInt. It averages right around 110w. I’m fully aware that’s very high relative to something purpose built.

    You will need to invest in a TDP friendly build

    Right, and spend even more money.

  • I’m well aware that I’m somebody else’s elder. I meant it matter-of-factly, like “geriatric pregnancy”.

    a) You made a gross generalization that cannot be attributed to a particular age group in a consistent, reproducible manner. “Old” in itself is of course an imprecise term use primarily in relative terms.
    b) If as you assert, then you used the term incorrectly. The commonly accepted medical definition of “geriatric” is 65 years or older. When used in a general way to mean “aged” it is not “matter-of-fact” but a generalization and by it’s nature relative.

    What you really mean is “people older than me that I find annoying” similar to “boomer” or, in your case, your specific non-factual and colloquial use of “geriatric”.

    IOW, attributing your annoyance to some vague age group is roughly as ridiculous as attributing your annoyance to the color T-shirt someone is wearing. Or what country they come from, race they are… etc etc etc. It’s a pointless, meaningless, and often highly localized stereotype.

    It’s not the attributes of the person, it’s the behavior.

  • I can’t imagine something like that being as cheap as you describe, even if it’s not a multi million dollar vessel.

    To add to some of the excellent answers: There is a whole category of folks who do van life, but it’s sailboat life. They live on the boat full time and go extremely low-budget – few of them are wealthy at all. People get hung up on “yacht” and all the baggage that word brings. Many purchased a boat in lieu of a van or a house. So even if you spent $100k it’s a cheaper life than on land in most cases.

    Examples of low budget sailors you can check out:

    Sam Holmes - I don’t know what he paid for his current boat but he’s super frugal. I’d be shocked if he paid more than $15k and it was probably a LOT less, knowing him. While back in the US he was sailing a boat (Bayfield 29) he got for free.

    Sailing Uma - While this couple are now doing much better financially (thanks to their Youtube content) they originally paid $3k for their boat, put as I recall about another $3-5k into it and have been sailing ever since, including across the Atlantic and up to Svalbard, Norway, Iceland, etc.

    Wind Hippie Sailing - Holly, who is pretty damned poor, sails a Grinde 27 which was a real fixer upper when she bought it. Not sure of the price but probably under $20k.

    There are of course a ton of sailers out there who are not visible. I know of a couple of people who got their boat for free and have sailed at least from the US West coast to Hawaii or around the Carribean living on practically nothing.