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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2024


  • Fascists don’t have the foresight to think of consequences of climate change. They’re also in denial that climate change is a thing at all, since one of their sources of funding is fossil-fuel extractors, including a certain large Eurasian nation-state.

    Their real motivation for being anti-immigrant is that they are racist scum who are always looking for vulnerable populations to victimise.

  • I had a Japanese-American girlfriend for a couple of years who would gladly dispose of the prawn heads for me. I tried them (“how bad could they be?”) but it was a taste I could never acquire. And I’m open-minded about food-- tried natto and got to enjoy it, same with uni, even managed to have Taiwanese stinky tofu. The only other food I could never stomach was balut.