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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I guess I mean this in a relative way.

    I can talk about Star Wars and basically everyone I know has a lot of context. Most people have watched a good amount of it. Even people who are explicitly not nerds know about it. Same with most comic stuff.

    Meanwhile Star Trek is still a lot more niche. People know the bare basics of what it is, but that’s about it. With the exception of my SO, I’ve met a grand total of two people who watch it.

    Also if someone knows a lot about Star Wars or Marvel they don’t necessarily know a lot about other nerd IPs. Meanwhile the people who knew about Star Trek also knew about shit like Farscape, Dark Matter, and other IP that just gets confused looks from most people.

  • It’s interesting. If I were a teenager today I would read this and think Microsoft ruined what would have been an amazing game by corporate greed.

    I was a teenager when Fable III came out though, so I know better.

    First game reviews from that era are completely whack. You had a ton of big name game blogs that were basically giving everything a 9/10 if it was from the right publisher. The smaller blogs weren’t really in the internet zeitgeist until Fable III, so you could compare their scores of Fable I and II for reference.

    That being said, there was a lot of discussion about how Fable II was a bit of a disappointment. People felt that the system was a lot shallower than promised, and the game itself felt extremely on rails at times. None of the endings really change the world, which wouldn’t be that insulting if two of them didn’t involve your dog dying. I think saying that Fable II was amazingly well received is kinda bs.

    I can say for sure that putting the blame on Microsoft for Fable III over promising and under delivering is absolute horeshit. The guy behind Fable, Molyneux, was famous for pulling that crap. This was an era where basically virtually every single game trailer could have been an FTC violation of anyone was paying attention, and Molyneux somehow stood out beyond anyone else for how full of shit he was. At one point he implied that he developed AGI and implemented it in a video game.

    While Boomers got a lot of things wrong, as I get older I sort of understand where they are coming from. This article paints a narrative so incorrect it’s almost fictional, and it’s being propagated because most people interacting are too young to remember but somehow extremely self assured.

  • This kind of talk is counterproductive.

    Humans are social creatures. There has almost always been some sort of social norm across all of history. Likewise, there has almost been judgement of people who break social norms.

    People with Autism have, among other things, trouble following those social norms. Ultimately a lot of the things we do could be considered offensive. The important part is to increase awareness that Autism is a disability and to ask for tolerance.

    Meanwhile a lot of ways that autistic people are sensitive in are pretty alien and jarring. There’s a lack of emotional regulation that often leads to disproportionate outbursts. There are sensory issues that can lead to relatively benign things causing said outbursts. There are a ton of things that are simply more disruptive than a neurotypical person getting miffed that someone doesn’t make eye contact.

  • Capitalist is a nebulous term. While I guess you could use it to describe freelance journalists pushing out low effort schlock because they get paid on quantity and rent is due, I think that’s kinda ridiculous.

    I think the term “Capitalist” would apply to employees determining how to profit off changing consumer interests.

  • So, as it’s been stated, Wayland is still not universally better than X. There are still bugs in places. Gaming is still an issue. Kwin’s implementation still isn’t complete enough to be reliably introduced as the default.

    This is after years and years of work. Yes, making an entirely new display protocol is hard. However Wayland was introduced as the “eventual X replacement” when I was in high school. I’m 30 now. I’ve heard some variation of “Wayland is almost ready” since my senior year of college.

    At some point it becomes exhausting. At this point when someone says something along the lines of “in a year or two, Wayland will reach a point where X.org will be a thing of the past” my immediate reaction is to call bullshit.

  • You guys know that a lot of medications that target severe mental health issues are also used off label for autism right?

    There are also therapists that specialize in adult autism. They are just less common.

    This entire thread is just a shitty justification for not taking meaningful steps to treat your mental health issues.

    EDIT: Honestly I think the real issue is that the vast majority of you are self diagnosed and looking for reasons to not see a doctor.