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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • Docker automatically upgrades if you tell it to by specifying “latest” or not specifying a version number. But it only upgrades if you issue the pull command or the compose up command. There are ways to start without a pull like using start or restart. So yes, there was warning and something you did actively told it to upgrade.

    And it’s really bad practice to update any software without testing, especially between breaking/major version numbers.

    Finally, it’s not uncommon for a platform to release its update and then the plugins or addons to follow. Especially with major updates that require lots of testing before release. This allows plugin/add-on makers to fully test their software with the release version of the platform rather than all of the plugin makers having to wait for one that may be lagging behind.

  • Amazon sends me open, broken, defective, and/or outright used items all the time these days. So I have a lot of returns, and if I get two in a row, I take a refund instead because their whole inventory of that item is probably too polluted to get a new one. If only there were any other ways to get some things, I’d quit buying from them, but with the lack of small specialty stores, even in cities, it’s so hard to find so many things in physical stores anymore, and smaller online stores can’t compete, especially for items that need to be tried a lot to find the right size or type.

  • I think most devs even only have worked in software companies that sell software where devops isn’t as critical and complex since there’s not “production” environments. When you work for a company who makes software for themselves and/or hosts software from other companies themselves, devops is a much bigger deal. Even moreso if it’s a heavily regulated industry like healthcare. Most other companies don’t spend much on devops or even often make the developers do that work themselves.

  • Would only be worth it if you created a system for easily deploying applications on an already set up subnet with routing preconfigured.

    Like set up a single server kubernetes distribution like microk8s or minikube on the server with metalLB and ingress already preconfigured on the server and router. You could also give instructions on how to install a GUI like Lens and how to use it to deploy a few things. Probably using workstation applications would be better than a web UI like Portainer to keep the server lighter, but either might work.

  • Clutch must be depressed on most modern cars or it won’t start, though it’s technically not required if in neutral. And best to depress the brake pedal as well, again, many modern cars won’t even start if you don’t.

    And although it doesn’t matter what gear the shifter is in when the clutch is depressed, put it in neutral, so that if you accidentally let off the clutch after starting it, you don’t move, grind gears, or lurch and stall which puts strain on the gearbox and brakes. I’ve done that many times before I started checking the shifter first. Many people put the shifter in first gear when parked as an engine brake in case the parking brake fails.

  • It absolutely should be talked about. All events in all of the world should be talked about as long as it involves factual information, which can sometimes be hard to come by these days . It’s only extremists trying to create false narratives who would say otherwise. And mostly only because they don’t want you telling the people they control the truth or they’re so dependent using the lie to their advantage that even they don’t want to know the truth.

  • Many times. It has been a fairly common theme. My dreams that I remember tend to be extreme emotional dreams. Either nightmares that I commonly had as a kid. Falling in love which was especially common as a teenager. And yeah, the extreme heartbreak is real. Music, which is connected closely to emotions for me and often manifests as beautiful symphonies that I wish I could immediately write down because damn I could probably make money off that s***. Flying or being under water and not drowning and the weight being lifted and the emotion of freedom tied to those. Etc.