• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Not OC, but an important tenet of Buddhism as you probably know is known as the “First Noble Truth,” which states that “life is suffering.” The second through fourth noble truths basically tell us to cease attachment and desire and to live a life based on “right living” to avoid the problems caused by attachment and suffering.

    I think this is where OC has an issue and I agree because sometimes being a human sucks and you need some escapes from that suffering. I consider myself a Buddhist as well, and while many Buddhists will talk of the “middle way” between living a conventional life and living a life that tries to get rid of all attachments, I find myself mostly leaning toward the conventional ways of alleviating suffering like playing video games and smoking weed.

    Tldr: living like a monk isn’t easy (or something I want) but the Buddhist worldview helps me make sense of the world so I use it.

  • Chat GPT predicts one of the kids will…

    …get physically pulled into valves code? Not sure how that happens lol

    🎵 One clicked on files they shouldn’t dare Now lost in code, they’ve disappeared in air Gaben warned, but they didn’t heed Now in the depths of Steam, they’ll forever plead

    🎵 Oompa loompa doompety dah If you’re not careful, you’ll go too far Respect the rules when visiting Gaben’s lair Or vanish forever, lost in Valve’s software!

  • Like someone else said it’s gotta be a result of the voting for the awards being awful. I wanted to like Starfield and (ducks down) even got it early at the higher price.*

    But yeah lol innovation is a joke. Makes me feel bad for the devs who really made innovative stuff this year.

    *To be fair I had a shitty week before that and needed a new Bethesda game to make my life less awful so it…worked? It was my comfort food ok???

    1. Meditation is a good idea for anybody and takes many forms.
    2. Your post comes off with a “why don’t you just…” vibe to me. I don’t like the tone honestly. You don’t think a community of people with ADHD have heard of meditation? Do you go into depression related communities and ask if they’ve just tried being happier?

    I get the idea of trying to help but it isn’t very productive IMHO.