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Joined 22 days ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2024


  • justaderp@lemmy.worldtoaww@lemmy.worldCow sleeping in someone's lap.
    5 days ago

    I know it’s just a joke. But, black and brown bears are very intelligent and quite peaceful creatures. I’ve run into forty or fifty in the wilderness. I’ve never once felt the bear was considering an attack. They’re smart enough to recognize our complex behaviors as a large risk to their safety.

    The story of the vast majority of humans mauled by bears:

    Your dog has a perfect record of defending the pack. Every single time the target either runs or turns out to be friendly. No other pack member defends. Its primary reason to exist is to defend. A bear has a perfect record of fights with anything but another bear.

    One day the bear smells some food, good stuff it can’t find normally. It’s some campers with their dog. The dog smells the bear, full adrenaline drops for its whole reason to exist, and defends the pack. The bear wins in about one second.

    The human defends the dog. The bear fights because that’s what it’s doing right now. Then, it reconsiders and runs away. Finally, the Forest Rangers track down and kill the bear quietly, preserving the tourism the community relies on.

    We’re really shitty to bears, at least here in the US. They’re not even very dangerous relative an wild elk, moose, or even free range livestock. It’s the big and dumb ones you need to watch out for. And marmot. Never disagree with a marmot.

  • justaderp@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldFuck both of us
    6 days ago

    Remember conservation of momentum. The only way the machine can absorb part of the impulse is through friction, heat, and by redirecting the existing chamber pressure after the bullet has left the barrel.

    Remember the human body. Magnitude matters much more than duration. Extending the time of impulse by implementing a slide lessens magnitude, the areas under the impulse curves roughly equivalent.

    I’m going to apply the above to answer your questions to say it again :)

    Does the slide absorb any significant amount of energy?

    For a properly functioning, modern, and typically-designed pistol and a status quo definition of “significant”, the answer is: No. That’s not what it’s designed to do. But, energy can be dissipated slightly if the pistol is compensated: a redirection of chamber pressure from near the end of the barrel, upwards, counter the torque component of the recoil impulse.

    What’s the math on this, say the dissipated energy in a semi auto VS revolver using the same round?

    It’s not quite a good question. The maximum force during the impulse is what a human cares about when analyzing a slide. That’s what’ll effect accuracy of the next round and how sore your hands will be in the morning.

    If minimization of total impulse is what’s being analyzed then one would want to compare rifles. Rifles have larger rounds, longer barrel length thus more time to use chamber pressure to mitigate recoil.

    You’ve good questions for coming into the middle. Go to the beginning: rounds and various types of actions, rifleman 101. Come back to the hard science.

  • Above PugJesus talks about the energy of the round being very large. There’s more to it.

    The derringer design lacks any technology to absorb and extend the impulse of recoil, most importantly the slide found on any modern semi automatic.

    Not only is there extreme recoil, there’s also absolutely nothing to help the shooter deal with it.

  • I feel like the only “real” relationship I have is with my wife. Friends I think are close distance themselves if I begin a conversation with something personal and nuanced enough to be meaningful and engaging.

    We both felt like this for quite awhile. And, we soon reasoned that we were about the perfect people in the perfect situation to answer: Where does a collectivist sense community still exist? The answer appears incredibly simple: Forty to sixty minutes from the closest Walmart.

    In twenty five years you’ll be thanking her because you know what the fuck the news just said. But, today, I can only imagine the torture.

  • Right now my landlord isn’t owning a gigantic series of mistakes. You made my day by owning a very small one.

    I think this is much more positive and productive than what the other conversation became.

    If the long day has been online, I suggest talking to someone about any subject IRL, in person or on the phone. A little human stuff puts all this digital bullshit right back into perspective for me.

  • web design or legal compliance or social media marketing

    Fuck all that. It’s not needed.

    They need someone with strong reading comprehension, who can consistently reason their way from an ideology to the specific situation, then write professionally. Mods work the collective que of reports independently.

    If you don’t want the gig no one one is owed an explanation. But, please don’t judge yourself underqualified for the wrong reasons.

  • Assuming you’re coming from a linear programming and OOP background, then data (incl. SQL) kinda sucks because it’s not always clear how to apply existing concepts. But, doing so is absolutely critical to success, perhaps more so than in most OOP environments. Your post isn’t funny to me because I’d be laughing at you, not with you.

    If a variable is fucked, the first questions you should answer are, “Where’d it come from?” and “What’s its value along the way?”. That looks a lot different in Python than SQL. But, the troubleshooting concept is the same.

    If object definitions were replaced by table/query definitions in planning then you’d probably not have made the initial error. Again, it looks different. But, the concept is the same.