• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • For the most part, women aren’t saying that all men are dangerous.

    We’re saying that a significant percentage of them are—as established by the fact that the majority of women have experienced sexual harassment and/or assault at least once—and that “bad” men and “good” men are often indistinguishable from each other… for the first few minutes, hours, days, months, or even years of knowing them.

    And then there are the many men who may not actively harass or assault women, but look away and remain silent when they witness their friends doing it. Those men are unsafe, too.

    Anyone who perceives this hypothetical situation as “sexist” is not bothering to actually listen to what women are saying, which tracks. Hit dogs holler.

  • You’re missing the point by a mile. It’s not about physical attraction, finances, or even the types of men just looking for a one-night stand. There are many men who want to be in long-term relationships, but don’t put in the effort necessary to keep that relationship alive and healthy.

    Men benefit from long-term relationshipsbmore than women; a woman’s workload actually increases because she’s usually the one tasked with managing the home and all of the emotional and physical labor that comes with that… even when she already has a full-time job.

    In order for a woman to want to be with a man, he needs to positively affect her life overall. So many men simply do not do that. That is the barrier to entry, and it is far from an unreasonable one. It’s generally easier and more desirable to be single than it is to be in a relationship with a man.

  • Yeahhh… thank you. The thing is, I’ve been desperately pining for a wfh job for a long time, and I’m actually still in training. This all happened on the second to last day of “in-office” work before they planned to let me work 100% remotely.

    It’s a small company, and the people seem really great so far, but I doubt they’d allow me to not work for probably closer to two months as a trainee. I also can’t really afford that.

    The delay is caused by my needing both an MRI and a follow-up appointment with an orthopedic surgeon, so sadly an earlier surgery isn’t likely to happen.

  • I’m feeling frustrated because last week, I learned that I won’t be able to schedule my surgery for my broken shoulder for at least a month. 🙃

    Feeling a lot of anxiety about the whole thing… the potential long-term effects, the amount of extra pain I’m experiencing while actively working (at a job where I literally just type), the fact that I think I probably also have couple of bone (or at least deep-tissue) bruises that are making it painful to walk, simply existing in public spaces in and around vehicles, and of course the incident itself. Ugh.

    Anyway, I’m at least grateful that my job is remote. I also just finished the base game of Horizon Forbidden West, which I really enjoyed.

  • lady_maria@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago


    You’re “not sure” that harassment and… ASSAULT… aren’t relevant enough to the subject of violence against women? lol k.

    You think men who do that kind of shit aren’t significantly more likely to kill us? Fuck, I’d love it if I could go through life being that ignorant and naive.

    Edit: typo

  • lady_maria@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    I imagine it can be especially isolating to be a trans-masculine person… possibly even more than being a trans-feminine person.

    I really hope you have people in your life who you feel fully comfortable hanging and talking with! I’m sure that those women appreciate your support.

  • lady_maria@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldXXX
    3 months ago

    Women are very likely to be sexually harassed or assaulted at least once in their lifetime. If it were unlikely, calling it “fear mongering” would actually make at least a little sense.

    I’ve been assaulted once and harassed multiple times, and most people wouldn’t even consider me to be conventionally attractive. I know many women who have faced much worse than I, despite the fact that I’m kind of antisocial.

    I don’t need the news or a comic to tell me I’m in danger.

  • lady_maria@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Be Wholesome@lemmy.worldBig talk > small talk
    8 months ago

    Pshh. What… are you scared of entering a virtually endless, ever-changing, pitch black labyrinth of rooms, hallways, and and giant, abyssal staircases…? And all the while you find your mind deteriorating further and further as you venture deeper and deeper—and eventually attempt to escape—the bowels of your eldritch prison before it consumes you entirely???