• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • Contact support and tell them how many you need and they’ll try to accommodate you. There were a lot of people abusing the service and hosting hundreds of domains so now they’re making everybody request them explicitly unfortunately. They’ve also had to suspend their .dedyn.io DDNS service indefinitely because of the abuse.

    That’s why we can’t have nice things.

    Please read up on DNSSEC because you will be required to turn it on for every domain you host with them.

  • If you did a full memtest and it came out good then OK.

    I’m just saying don’t discount hardware issues. Bad RAM blocks are notoriously hard to diagnose by use alone because there’s not just one symptom you can point at, and they can manifest themselves wildly differently on different apps and different OS depending how large the blocks are and how they are spread.

    Luckily there’s a very simple and straightforward test you can make to put it out of your mind.

  • That’s how Amazon works.

    If you think all the stores in the internet now are PWA’s you are sadly mistaken. MVC web apps are pretty well suited for things like shops and they never went away. There are entire languages and frameworks like PHP, Python, Java that actively support that style of app. It also lends itself really well to caching.

    I wouldn’t say it’s completely JavaScript free though. Client side JS is still extremely useful and attempting to make a store with zero JS might be a bit tough.

  • It’s not the only free DNS service.

    It’s only a good registrar if you don’t care about privacy and you’re ok with their selection of TLDs (selected only from registries without privacy).

    The free accounts do not benefit from DDoS protection. Re-read their terms of service, they’re vague on purpose. If you were ever DDoS’ed (I don’t know who would bother btw but that’s another discussion) they’d just drop you.

    You can establish the tunneling thing on your own with any VPS.

    The problem with cloudflare is that we’re missing three other cloudflares to move to if they decide to pull evil shit.

    You can and should diversify your services and spread them to different providers that are easy to switch. I’ve been with “all in one” providers before, they inevitably end up leveraging their convenience into all sorts of crap. But until you get burned a couple of times they look really good.

  • lemmyvore@feddit.nltolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldGNU-Linux
    3 days ago

    But the Linux kernel was central to the advent of FOSS operating systems. If it were up to the GNU project we’d still not have a working OS. It’s unfair to speculate because maybe the BSD family would have taken over but it’s worth mentioning that Stallman also passed up on the BSD kernel as well. So, really, the GNU userland had to be dragged into widespread success against its goals.

    Also, it’s a lot easier to replicate a basic userland than it is to get a working OS going. I think Linux would have done well even without the GNU utils but the opposite is demonstrably not true.

  • Is it that none exist or that none can be made?

    I mean they can be made but it’s going to require reinventing a lot of wheels. You need access to other windows to make this (and lots of other stuff) work, period. Wayland has simply moved the burden of exposing that information to other layers. By the time this is accomplished 100% the information is going to be exposed just as much as on X11, just in a different way.

    Because that’s like. the main feature about Wayland.

    Is it? It has always seemed like a solution looking for a problem to me. When’s the last time you heard about anybody having a problem with this under X11?

    In theory it can be used to do bad things. In practice it’s like wearing a helmet 24/7. It sounds like a good idea and it could help in case you’re in a car crash or a flower pot falls on your head… but the inconvenience makes you not seriously consider it.

    My main problem with it is that they simply tossed the dead cat over the wall. You can’t simply say “fuck you deal with it” and call it a day, then expect all the rest of the stack to spend a decade solving the problem you created, while you get to look shiny for solving an “issue” that nobody cared about.

    My other problem is that it should have been a toggle. Let people who really need to tighten security turn this feature on and let everybody else get on with their lives. Every other isolation feature on Linux (firewalls, AppArmor, containers etc.) is fully configurable. How would it be if your firewall was non-optional and set to DENY ALL all the time? It would be crazy unusable. Yet Wayland made that “the main feature”? Ridiculous.