• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • What is natural? There’s animals that dig into other animals brains and eat them slowly. There’s animals that paralyze their victims and eat them slowly. There’s parasites that infect their host and force them to get eaten by controlling them and removing their fear center. There’s animals that eat their own young. There animals that only eat the young of others.

    This notion that nature isn’t cruel and unforgiving is just a fairytale.

    The amazing thing about humans is that we can actually feel compassion for others, even other species and strive to reduce their suffering as much as possible. I’m really getting tired of people being so negative all the damn time.

    Our food production needs to do better and be better but it will only do so because of us, not because we “listen to nature” or whether else people love to spew out trying to sound enlightened.

  • A big part of all of this is indoctrination of children. If you didn’t introduce religion to children while they are at a vulnerable state, religion would quickly be relegated to a fringe cult.

    The percentage of people that aren’t flooded with this garbage as children that turn to religion once they are adults is miniscule and could easily be ignored.

    The problem is that religion is so powerful and ingrained that they are able to sustain bombard children at a steady pace.

  • All the childish stuff he does aside, if that wasn’t enough, my problem with him is that he’s actively promoting fascist and undermining the working class.

    This mother fucker has all the money in the world and he’s not content to do the kid dream stuff you describe, he’s actively helping fascist spread misinformation and is actively fighting against good wages and conditions for the working class.

    So yea, fuck Elon and pretty much all of the rest of the billionaires.

  • Exactly. I’d also like to add, look at Google stuff their ui / ux is routinely horseshit. So don’t tell me there are ui/ux gurus out there GIGAchading user interfaces.

    A lot of this shit is trial and error and even then they still fuck it up.

    Make it accessible, make it legible and then fine tune it after.