In a 1918 theater, it probably makes no difference whatsoever.
In a 1918 theater, it probably makes no difference whatsoever.
Nobody can convince me that’s a good format.
The “battles [1][7][8][9][31][42][44][45][47][64][65][67][68][83][99]” format is superior and I’ll die on that hill!
Also, by the way, technically you can quote any predicate as a consequence of a false one.
I don’t know if the people that made this phrase knew that, but it’s technically correct :)
Yeah, I can agree with that. And somebody will eventually find some way to use that mismatch against people.
But the correct language doesn’t have an impact, and we don’t decide what gets popular anyway. I don’t like that phrase either (I think it’s too conservative), but it’s here to stay.
They can block some kinds of server-side ads. And if google has those already, they have been quite successful against youtube.
But yeah, they won’t block all server-side ads.
That phrase means “if you will make an enemy out of me and won’t let me buy the kind of ownership I want, I’ll take it and ignore paying you”.
But notice that the full explanation is longer? That phrase captures perfectly well the antagonizing perspective, and nobody goes around making sure they pay fairly the people that treat them as enemies. It also fails to capture any other bit of the logic, but it’s ok, the logic is simple and automatic once the antagonism is explicitated.
I fully expect people to keep using a broken Xorg, not move into wayland, and not fork and keep it updated.
But the devs are free to do whatever they want. No opinions there. I wouldn’t want to maintain Xorg either.
The hamas is not a government.
Hum… In Gaza they used to be exactly a government. Not a democratic one, but one imposed by Israel.
… what I’m sure the GP wouldn’t like to hear either.
I guess the VFX reference isn’t widely known, nor it’s direct enough.
But that’s a low-budget show. The Apollo Program had billions to invest in VFX.
“Waste” doesn’t exist either. And don’t start on that “of” thing.
The book is absolutely about bad management and disrespect for safety guidelines.
The movie is about scare jumps.
The ant is doing an extraordinary effort to run on all of its tiptoes so it wouldn’t disturb anyone, and you come claiming it’s not an ant just because it’s polite?
Value alignment with the people you let influence your life is a very complex thing.
I don’t use it because it sucks, but not using it because the owner is an asshole is a perfectly valid attitude.
Is that an actual quote?
God, I don’t doubt anything nowadays.
I think you need an “and” there where you used an “or”, but I guess I’m in neither category.
Normally, the second time you learn something you tend to learn it much better.
All of that happens the exact opposite way when you compare Writer with Word.
And Presenter compared to Power Point has the clear answer that you shouldn’t use either.
Either way, Excel is the one good piece of software in MS Office. Has always been, and I don’t expect it to change in the future. (Except maybe if they decide to make Excel bad.) But that’s only as long as it always corrupting anything mildly complex doesn’t bother you.