A big part of the original propaganda of the deed was just that. Killing royals in Europe to show that power of the monarchies is limited
A big part of the original propaganda of the deed was just that. Killing royals in Europe to show that power of the monarchies is limited
Is this elephant you speak of in the room with us?
But now he sleeps in a racing car
Completely agree. Especially less good architects couldn’t deal with it’s limitations. Concrete isn’t some indestructible wonder material—exposure to harsh weather and exhaust fumes leads to cracking, corrosion, and a dreary look if it isn’t properly engineered and maintained. So many old concrete buildings look shitty
My American friends made me drink Keystone Ice and this was one of the most disgusting things I did ever drink. The rest was also not great. A few American beers were passable but I had better ones in most European countries.
When the sea turns so dark, and a jaw makes its mark,
That’s a moray!
When it hides in a reef, flashing sharp, jagged teeth,
That’s a moray!
Didn’t deepseek solve some of the data wall problems by creating good chain of thought data with an intermediate RL model. That approach should work with the tried and tested scaling laws just using much more compute.
doesn’t deepseek work on that though with their janus models?
Dude, move it to the left!
Germany, Switzerland, Romania, Norway, France, Spain, Austria, and USA
The apostles are not completely fine with wealth either. Peter has the story with Hanniah and Sapphira, where god punishes greed and sharing everything in the early Jerusalem Christian community is the norm. Paul at least has a few being responsible with wealth statements like this one: 1 Timothy 6:17-19 17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
Ritter Sport Marzipan
Love the caramel one from Tony’s
The LFS users are still busy growing their coffee plant
In a similar spirit I have written a tiny R package that renders your plots to look like they were printed on your reviewers shoddy printer.
Link to a relevant folk song about parasites that has a verse about this sort of wasp
That is some shit straight out of sci-fi horror like Alien.
Machine Learning enthusiasts: Why settle for linear regression when you can deploy a Gradient-Boosted Random Deep Neural Net Surface Vector Cluster that consumes the entire power of Iceland to trace a perfect ∞-dimensional hypersphere around those blue points? Overparameterization is the future!
Best Linear Unbiased Estimator
Oh sometimes, violence works to build peaceful gouvernments after. In Romania political violence created a functioning democracy. Dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu was executed by the revolutionaries after a 30 minute farce of a trial, but the country is now a democracy for more than 35 years.