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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023

  • I’m openly critical against the whole NATO thing and DSA but you’re just being silly, ignorant, a troll or all of the above.

    I’d rather be a part of the Western military industrial complex than being Ukraine since 2014.

    If Russia just could stop aspiring to be the premier asshole of the northern hemisphere, Sweden would still be “neutral” and democratic neighbors of Russia wouldn’t be forced to put huge amounts of tax money into arms instead of healthcare.

    Russia essentially attacked the guy sitting next to them on the bus because they felt the guy was sitting too close.

    Of course everyone on the bus gets scared of the idiot attacking people!

  • I’m not a professional and not living in the US.

    1. Get a Wood Moisture Meter and check everything. If the wood contains more water than it should you have an ongoing problem and there is ongoing microbiological growth.
    2. Some of the Black / Dark parts look like fungus. (In Swedish “svartmögel” which is directly translated to “black mould”). That shit can cause allergies and worse shit.

    All in all: get a professional to check this. I’m Sweden we have “building inspectors” that are experts in leakage and mold that checks this for you.

  • Yeah, that was you continuing to show how inexperienced you are.

    For a remote exploit to work the computer or device has to expose ports to the network your computer is connected to.

    “Remote” means that the vulnerability does not require local access. So if your friend connects his infected device to your wifi, all devices connected to the same network essentially are at risk, depending on what’s listening on the devices and what vulnerabilities they have.

    Your idea about avoiding bad websites is ridiculous. History is full of examples where third party ads had been created to infect one way or another. That’s ads that users on legitimate site were exposed to. That’s just one little example. There have been numerous examples of malicious sleeping JavaScript code that suddenly wakes up and contacts it’s command-and-control server and then download malicious JavaScript code to unknowing site visitors.

    Furthermore, you didn’t understand my question. Of course antivirus is able to stop malware it recognizes that enters through a remote exploit. The user with antivirus would at least have a chance of knowing that something was up each time and attempt to infect was made.

    You on the other hand would sit there clueless with your little zombie computer and laugh at all them script kiddies.

    But hey… You just continue trying to infect others around you with bad security advice and have a good day. I’m outta here.

  • If your computer is network connected you really really need antimalware running. In theory, a game server could be exploited and controlled to inject malware into game clients ( = you playing online).

    If you use a browser to access internet, there has been malware infected ads that infect your computer when you visit legitimate web sites.

    If you get infected, the malware most likely won’t do anything that makes you notice it. It all depends what the purpose of the malware is.

    Ransomware? Then it stays hidden until it has encrypted all your files and then it pops up telling you to pay or you won’t be able to use your computer.

    Collecting useful passwords? Getting full access to your Steam account is nice. Got some awesome weapons and armor in the MMORPG you play? That’s something they theoretically would script to be able to steal from you.

    Or maybe the malware just stays hidden for now, contacting it’s control center now and then to see if there is any instructions.

    Malware is business. The people behind it are businessmen and you are part of what they sell.

    If you have a fairly modern computer there shouldn’t be that much impact on the performance.

  • If you want to promote your position - and it may not please someone and that is normal in a democratic society - take responsibility. What are you afraid to say who you are?

    While I understand the problems the propaganda machines of Russia and China (among other) causes, this here is some stupid shit

    Try to criticize Putin openly while living in Russia, speak up for the freedom to love and have sex with whoever you want in Uganda or publish pictures of Muhammad as a dog and sign all of it with your name and see what will happen.

    Anonymity is a double edged sword. While being “nice to have” in a democracy it’s a “must have” in a dictatorship.