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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • That’s how language works. You could say that a similar thing happened to the suffix -core. Where originally it was ment to be used with one word – a certain musical genre. Now, however, I can append it to anything and it means just a general esthetic.

    As for rougelike, it no longer means a game that’s like Rouge. It means a game where you losing means starting over, where playing more doesn’t necessarily mean the game gets easier due to accumulated XP, wealth, gear or whatevet other mechanic.

  • I’m the kind of user that cares about function over form, so everything in Windows 11 just annoyed me. Mainly because it was just changes in design that required me to reorient and to learn to use again with no good reason.
    I still use Windows at work just because our whole dev stack is on Windows. And every new design change just gets in my way. An OS should enable me do the things that I need and want, it should move out of my way. Sure I’ve added some hacks to restore the functionality I was used to. But the fact that I need to fight the OS to bring back context menus annoys me to no end.

    Also, as a dev, I find many things easier done on Linux that Windows, mainly because it just has a better CLI support. It’s not as bad now with Windows terminal, winget and other improvements (dotnet having a proper CLI interface), however I still mostly use git-bash for common stuff like searching the file system. Not to mention that for something like docker I basically just need WSL.

  • I use logseq for work notes and Obsidian for personal. Obsidian is more markdown which I like for my loose notes. logseq, on the other hand, is more focused on productivity and it’s fully opensource. Obsidian is only free for personal use, however their notes being closer to standart markdown means that they could be openned with any text editor and be just as functional.

    Syncing between computers is easy – it’s just a git repo. Dealing with mobile is tricier but I never needed it so can’t comment much.