• 1 Post
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 29th, 2023


  • pearsaltchocolatebar@discuss.onlinetomemes@lemmy.worldOh no!
    9 days ago

    Keep in mind that every person on this planet will experience every symptom of ADHD at some point. That’s why it’s so relatable.

    It becomes a disorder when it significantly negatively impacts your life and ability to function as a human.

    Like, the only reason I’m still employed is because my company is staffed by people who understand the limitations of adhd. If not for them I’d be homeless.

    My house is still in a constant state of chaos, and that won’t change until I can pay a normal person to help me.

  • Yes. It’s on you to manage your emotions. It’s not alright to treat your partner like an abuser because you were hurt in the past. Trauma doesn’t give you a free pass to treat people poorly.

    The people downvoting clearly haven’t been in a long term relationship with someone with severe PTSD. I’m going on 8 years, and while it’s getting better, it’s a huge struggle mentally to constantly be treated like you’re a bad person through absolutely no fault of your own. I’m in therapy specifically because of it.

    I have my own traumas from my past, but I work hard to not let it affect my relationship because it’s not fair to my SO to take that trauma out on them.