A devastated Software Systems student, libre software promoter. Sometimes I draw pixel art. Very fond of classical Computer Science and Touhou project.

Autism® Inside™

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2023

  • I see marketing via AI tools and bots unethical. Many things can be done via conventional marketing.

    1. Contact content creators (especially oriented towards Linux and Free software, like TheLinuxExperiment or DistroTube, or some gaming channels, as well) to create communities of their channels on Lemmy.
    2. Somehow reduce content about world news and politics. Many people go to the Internet to step aside from the real world events.

    Also, majority of Reddit users are teenagers. The older generation of Reddit has fled away. We must think twice what target audience we want to bring in. I don’t want Lemmy to become a place where alt-wing anti-establishment political leaders bait naïve teenagers and take them into the rabbit hole (aka scenario described in The Social Dilemma).

  • My dark side: I feel disengaged in my duties, I tend to flee away from teamwork and skip deadlines, especially when the workflow is stressful. Of course, mates hate me for that :(

    Others’ inconsistencies I see: tendency to make careless decisions without thinking twice, or miscommunication (incorrect wording) of intended actions, especially in programming and/or designing things. Also, not admitting an expectation to get some sort of reward/compensation when giving things for free.


    • A: You gave me this, thank you! What can I do/buy to you in return?
    • B: No need, thank you.
    • (one year later)
    • B: I gave you that, so I want you to do something in return.
    • A: You told me I’m not obliged to repay you!
    • B: You should’ve understood it by yourself!
    • A: …(Reimu mode activated)

    Jokes aside, I am generous but this unspoken liability pisses me off.

  • Well, if it counts, we have a homemade potato grating machine from the Soviet times my grandfather has made because he was a genius and partly because of Soviet Union. It draws a lot of energy, emits a lot of noise (seriously). To turn on, it has two buttons, one for capacitor or something, another for the motor itself and, nowadays, I have no clue which one I should turn on first, left or right… It stands on three legs and weighs around 10 kg (old transformers were heavy). It produces good results, though, despite looking odd.

  • Open Document Standard (.odt) for all documents. In all public institutions (it’s already a NATO standard for documents).

    Because the Microsoft Word ones (.doc, .docx) are unusable outside the Microsoft Office ecosystem. I feel outraged every time I need to edit .docx file because it breaks the layout easily. And some older .doc files cannot even work with Microsoft Word.

    Actually, IMHO, there should be some better alternative to .odt as well. Something more out of a declarative/scripted fashion like LaTeX but still WYSIWYG. LaTeX (and XeTeX, for my use cases) is too messy for me to work with, especially when a package is Byzantine. And it can be non-reproducible if I share/reuse the same document somewhere else.

    Something has to be made with document files.

  • raubarno@lemmy.mltoLinux@lemmy.mlI had a journey
    9 months ago

    Okay, maybe Lithuanian will explain better to an Estonian:

    Once in the 19th century there was a rapid industrialization. Farmers and citizen guild-workers lost their economical value and had to turn into factory workers. At that time, there was massive unemployment, and factory owners were unregulated. Then a philosopher Karl Marx went in, and started to analyse. He concluded that, in history, it’s always ‘slaves vs landowners’, then ‘peasants vs seniors’, and ultimately ‘workers vs enterprise owners (bourgeoisie)’. He named this phenomenon ‘class struggle’, and hypothesised that, after workers will defeat bourgeoisie, then it would be possible to create a perfect egalitarian society with no exploitation, in which people have all the rights except the right to be rich. That was called ‘Communism’, a proposed ideal society.

    His ideas attracted many followers, which were split into several political campus, for instance, Socialist democracy (‘mild’ socialism, rich people pay more taxes, etc.), Anarcho-Communism (no state, no regulations, lived only for a short period of time in Ukraine), and many more.

    Then V. Lenin came in, and told there must be a ‘peasants’ revolution’ that abolishes the existing state(s), kill all the enemies of that revolution, become a Socialist country (ie. State controls all the economy) and then slowly progress into Communism. His practices were furthermore refined by Stalin and were called ‘Marxism-Leninism’. History of the USSR shows that the power of a Socialist state can be used to create a totalitarian prison.

    So ‘Communism’ can mean either an egalitarian society or heading towards that direction, basically.

  • Rust v3: “It’s three hours and I’m still compiling dependencies”

    EDIT: Also, “What does Option[Arc[Mutex[BTreeMap[String, Box[RefCell[Box[amp mut F>>>>>>> where F : Fn(T) -> U in your essay mean?” (srry, I didn’t come up with a better obscure data type, it’s probably gibberish)

    EDIT2: Lemmy deletes ‘less than’ sign for some damn reason (time to build Lemmy at home?)

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