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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • We don’t want the old-school projects where software was ready but not delivered until a bible of doco was typeset, printed and bound.

    I miss those days. That bible of documentation was usually the means to have the others, i.e. the customer or other teams using your software, be able to do their work in that software. And I feel that by delivering software without extensive documentation you are extending your agile way of working to the customer. When does agile stop and actually deliver every component meant to be delivered?

  • This comments speaks to me. From day one you could see the problems with agile and my gods, if you dared to push back you were ‘not cooperating with the team’ and other BS like that.

    I have yet to see an agile/scrum way of working that does not devolve in waterfall within 5 nano seconds. Funniest was the IT team that needed to support about 10 other teams (developers). Good luck in getting agile with that while diving into a tunnel where 10 teams start pulling your resources on the fly. The IT team was on the end (they tried like 5 times to enforce agile on us) absolved from using agile as the complete project would come to a stand still in a day if we followed the agile principle.

  • If this is true then I indeed misunderstood v0.19

    All I want is to be able to block an instance completely as a user. How hard can this be? I really had my hopes up for v0.19. This needs to be built into Lemmy asap because the idiocy of some instances is getting on my nerves hardcore. I mean, why not go back to reddit if I have to take shit anyway? At least I know the communities are larger over there and if I need to suffer bullshit then by all means, I’ll suffer over there. This is not good for Lemmy tbh…