• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I think context makes a difference on whether a call is welcome or not, appropriate or not.

    If the email asks me to write out a bunch of info I know off the top of my head, just call me. Don’t make me write out something that I can just tell you much faster.

    If you’re asking something that kicks off a conversation going back and forth like if you need help walking through something, sending emails back and forth is annoying and dumb. Knocking it out in one call is faster and easier than exchanging 15 emails.

    On the other hand, if you don’t need an answer right away, if you need documents or images or if you need to communicate about something that requires a record of the communication, email is better.

    I have been annoyed equally by getting calls and emails when people use them for things when they aren’t ideal.

  • I had that game! It was so weird! Cool concept but I never had any idea what I was doing. The DNA sequence minigame (?) was neat but it was never clear how you get any specific results. I wonder if there’s just an RNG behind it and none of your actions really mattered.

    I got to the gold man level (which I guess is the pique of evolution and the end stage) and the game didn’t really end. I just was able to walk around slapping animals and taking almost no damage.

    I picked it up again used and threw it in my dreamcast and couldn’t get through it. I found it tedious and kind if dull. Would be interested in seeing a remake though- I bet modern engines could do a solid job with some of the ideas in it.

  • If studios want to commit to this games as a service model they need to really tighten up their language Don’t “sell” games, since they can’t be owned by customers. Don’t promote replayability if you have no plans to make the game available indefinitely. Sell it like an experience, like going to a theme park or getting a massage, and be crystal clear about how much usage the license purchased will get players, support window, updates and patches included etc.

    Studios keep wanting things both ways by saying they want to sell games but then don’t let customers use them how they want after purchase, and pull the rug out as if customer should have expected it.