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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2024

  • sandbox@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOffended
    8 days ago

    Yeah that’s one of those excuses I was talking about. Everyone always consumes animal products from their uncle’s farm. They never, ever buy animal products from the store, or from a restaurant, or fast food, or whatever. Nope. All the animal products you consume are 100% from your uncle’s farm and they’re all mega happy, and you know them all by name!


  • sandbox@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOffended
    8 days ago

    hello, I’m a vegan, I try not to annoy people because I know we’re all going through a lot of shit, but since you asked, you should know: the level of suffering caused by the animal agriculture industry is so extreme and horrific. Like, think of the worst torture imaginable, and it’s worse. And they subject thinking, feeling beings to that. Think about how angry you would feel if you saw someone abusing a dog. Now imagine that on a global, mass-production scale.

    The problem is that human brain is really good at protecting itself from having to deal with the mental anguish of knowing that you’re responsible for suffering, so you’ll come up with any number of reasons to excuse your behaviour - it’s natural, it’s the circle of life, etc. etc. but that’s all just excuses. You let other living being suffer so badly because you like how they taste, and you can either accept that fact or you can change.

  • So it’s nothing to do with what’s natural then, is it? Or you’d object to chicken cat food. And let’s not forget that everyone has also seen cats eat grass. Is it possible that you don’t really know what the nutritional needs are for cats and that you’re just arguing based on your ideological beliefs, rather than the best interests of cats? Maybe so you can feel good about yourself, and your own diet?

    That’s all completely aside from the fact that it is completely irrelevant. Whether or not you disagree with some random internet vegan should have no bearing on how you judge the behaviour of a moderator abusing their power to enforce their individual opinions upon Lemmy communities.

  • I have no problem with people making mistakes, accidentally suspending an account for example, it happens.

    This wasn’t an accident. The admin intentionally deleted posts just because he personally disagreed with them and removed moderators because he disagreed with them.

    When you are in a position of authority and you have power over others, if you give in to that urge to use that power for your own benefit to the detriment of others, even once, you will do it again. It is seductive and easy. This is just human psychology. It’s how authoritarianism thrives.

    By allowing a corrupt admin to remain, the admin team have demonstrated that they find that behaviour at least somewhat acceptable, and therefore there’s no reason to learn and grow, except to learn how far you can go before there’s backlash.

  • As soon as someone in a position of power shows their willingness to use that power to further their own agenda in any way, rather than for the benefit of the community, they should immediately and unequivocally have that power withdrawn.

    Rooki has showed us all who he is, and what he is willing to do with power. He has not felt any consequences. In future, he’ll just be more cautious with how he abuses his power.

  • People will go to any lengths to justify their bad behaviour to themselves.

    All you need to do is not interfere in communities where you have no idea what you’re talking about, stop assuming you know better than everyone else just because you have some power over a meaningless message board. This isn’t an anti-vax community we’re talking about here and you’ve totally blown this way out of proportion to prevent admitting that the moderator was out of line.

    You, the mod/admin exist to stop spam and hate speech and to empower users with tools and features that they want and find useful. Otherwise, just stay the fuck out of the way. Do not impose your will on your little petty fiefdoms, that is unwanted and unhelpful.