• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • You didn’t ask, you stated she missed her childhood.

    Your other questions are answered in the article. She says over and over how pleased and thankful she is, and more than one person cites her insatiable desire to learn. The world is full of people. Some of them are crazy academics. I’m not so threatened by this story that I need her to be unhappy.

    Nor am I going to say that a kid who used their childhood to learn “missed out.” A kid who blew it all on Minecraft missed out on a lot as well if we’re going to be honest.

  • Job sites make money when you get a job. Companies pay a lot to get staffing vacancies filled. Recruiters and agencies cost a lot, so an online job board can literally get thousands of dollars sometimes for helping g facilitate a hire. This is how it should be.

    But with dating sites, it does not work this way. There is no deep-pocketed business customer willing to pay a lot for making a match. Just two people with subscriptions, and that’s the company’s entire revenue.

    I highly doubt that dating sites consciously try to prevent you from finding a mate because this will earn them more money. But I have to admit that the incentive structure is unhealthy.

  • I liked its portrayal of “how would I outsmart myself, an identical me that’s also trying to outsmart me back?”

    Watching 7 people all try to do that together makes for a lot of interesting drama, and shakes out much that they’d hoped to hide about themselves. In fact that’s exactly how some of the characters try to outsmart themselves: by going for that jugular vein of deep dark secrets no one knows. Fucking brutal.

    And all that would be impossible to portray without sci-fi. This movie’s vehicle for the sci-fi elements is dumb as rocks: a comet passes overhead and fractures quantum spacetime. Wut? It’s not an important point but damn, at least make it sound like you tried.

  • I read the books and ultimately didn’t like them very much. I recognize their value but they just weren’t for me. I don’t remember a lot about them, enough, say, to get upset about how they changed this or that character.

    And I found that show to be an utter mess. Just a mess. It’s a mess absolutely chock full of stuff. It’s a very beautiful mess. It’s a mess with amazing production values. But it’s still a hot mess. Forget adapting the books… what in the world is it about at all?? Ultimately it seemed to just get stuck on its emperor character and invented various struggles to take him down. Totally empty in the end.