• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Honestly, yeah. I get that social interaction is awkward for some people. I myself have Asperger’s (shut the fuck up, Cartman, I see your pudgy ass back there fidna pipe up), and I’ve never found people easy to understand. I think there really needs to be an initiative to teach people, normal people, how to use this stuff, and it doesn’t start by being an asshole. It starts by giving a shit and answering questions if you know the answers, or by helping people understand what might be going wrong. Even a word or two is helpful for beginning a Google search, but you have to know what you’re looking for in order to start looking for it.

  • sebinspace@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldJust use it. Now.
    26 days ago


    The battlecry of everyone that bitches that people aren’t willing to use Linux but won’t bother to meet them where they are.

    Does it ever occur to you that people often don’t even know what they need to Google? Half the time I do Google something, it comes to some forum or Reddit post of someone screaming READ THE FUCKING MANUAL, but not even giving that user some hint what they’re even looking for in your religious scriptures.

    You want people to use Linux? You need to meet them where they are, not take it as an opportunity to show how smart much of a smartass you are.

    Be better than that.

  • So forgive me for not knowing the term, but there’s a type of attack that waits to send commands until after packets have been received whose data provides an advantage. For instance, a bot could simply wait until it receives the position of your opponent, calculate how far to turn the player to aim, then tell the server “I’ve moved the mouse in this vector”

    A bit like playing rock-paper-scissors, but waiting until you opponent shows what they’ve chosen before making your own decision.

  • I can’t answer for Psionix, because… I don’t work for Psionix. But having worked on other projects, I can tell you that a fully-authoritative server (that’s the word you’re looking for, btw) is not the end-all-be-all of anticheat. Every game has different levels of mechanical complexity, logical complexity, and a myriad of other variables that factor into what type of architecture is used in online games, and that a fully-authoritative server not only isn’t feasible for all projects, but also isn’t a silver bullet against cheaters.