• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • I have mullvad and also browse certain Reddit communities without an account. Some of the servers still get through. If you’re using US servers I know there are a few of the NY, Atlanta, and Virginia servers I’ve been able to get through on. I’ve also gotten through on some of the West Coast ones but I can’t remember which ones, I only remember the last 3 because they were the last ones I trial and error throughed while actually paying attention to which servers I was connecting to instead of picking at random.

  • I feel the struggle! I wish more industries and the world in general was better adapted for the night owls around us. I wish you could get an office job that was 9pm to 5am, and I wish you could attend college classes in person overnight. Ever since Covid even grocery stores and places like Walmart and Target arent open past 10 or 11 pm anymore, instead of 24 hours like they used to be. Basically, I wish there was a whole different world that took place at night (and I’m not talking about partying, just those of us who wish to live normal life nocturnally). I’ve seen it put in the way like hundreds and thousands of years ago we would have been so useful to our “tribes”, because someone had to stay up overnight and watch for predators and bandits and such, but now there’s no need for that so our nocturnal abilities are forced to adapt to a world that tells us we’re useless lazy people for staying up late and sleeping during the day.

  • The only time I felt human was when I worked night shift. I can spend hours trying to fall asleep and I sleep like shit until around dawn, then I sleep like the dead until whenever I need to get up. When I worked night shift I’d get home around 7:30-8am, eat a small meal, shower, be in bed by 8:30-9:00 am, and if it took me more than 15 minutes to fall asleep it was unusual. I’d be out solid until anywhere from 2-5pm and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go. When I switched from days to nights people who’d known me for years kept commenting on how my entire personality changed and how I was so much happier; for the first time in my entire life I wasn’t struggling through a constant haze all day every day.

    I have an interview this week for a night shift job and my heart is absolutely dancing at the thought of getting back into that schedule again.

  • Genuine question, I just tried this on my phone with both Firefox and Brave (my backup browser). Why does Firefox leak so much more data than Brave? Brave pretty much only showed which number version of Android I’m running and my time zone, Firefox showed all kinds of unique data including all the sensor readings from my phone, how many cameras it has, all the hardware components, and that fingerprint reading is allowed and I have all my settings as strict as they can be. I thought Firefox was supposed to be the way better option.