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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • For anyone on iOS, you can do most of this there too. On older iPhones you need a lightning to USB-A adapter you can get on AliExpress for like $3, but on USB-C iPhones it works directly.

    The Files app has become like a full file manager, with local storage, unzipping, archiving, SMB connections, as well as most cloud storage services connect to it. Download Keka from the App Store and you can even unpack 7z, ISOs, everything you can do on a desktop.

  • shinratdr@lemmy.catoGames@sh.itjust.worksGEX Trilogy | LRG 2024 Trailer
    8 days ago

    Gex’s voice and lines are so iconic and specific, I hope they have every regions lines. Not having them will ruin the nostalgia for any region that’s missed.

    Plus, people who know Gex from memes and YouTube will expect the US voice & lines, so you really want to cover all your bases.

    EDIT - Oh it’s LRG, then judging by Clock Tower it’ll be the same games with some new art. Disappointing.

  • Am I the only one disappointed with how lazy this is? They put more effort into Plumbers Don’t Wear Ties than this. I have no idea why it has taken 3 years to make when it look like the original game with a translation patch running in an emulator.

    I realize they’ve animated some intros and drawn some new art and stuff, but it would have been nice to get a faithful remake like SMRPG, or like The Dragon’s Trap where they redraw everything and make it widescreen but offer you the option to return to original graphics at any time.

    If all they were going to do is QoL improvements and stuff like that, I would have preferred that they just don’t do the new animations and instead include Clock Tower PSX & Struggle Within with QoL improvements in one package.

    The way it is it’s just not enough of an improvement over the SNES original with a translation patch to be worthwhile. Which is a shame because the people most likely to buy this are the same people who know how to get the translated SNES ROM very easily.

  • This is so funny to me. Destroying Twitter aside, why does he think a payments app is something anyone wants?

    Americans have Facebook Pay, Apple Pay, PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, Zelle and probably a dozen others that I don’t know about.

    Canada has Interac e-transfer to any from any bank account for free, so these payment apps don’t even try to expand here. China has WeChat, Japan has Suica and a couple others, I just don’t get it.

    This is a solved problem in basically every country. Giving Americans one more payment app they won’t use tied to a dying service that even at its peak very few used doesn’t seem like it will have any impact at all.

  • I don’t know about LastPass but 1Password has the same deal and they aren’t tied to eachother, it’s not an account you create under their tenant it’s just a link you can generate that makes the 1Password for Families plan free on your account as long as your employer is paying for the corporate one.

  • The sad part is this might actually end up being a net positive in the long run. Their two biggest acquisitions were Bethesda and Activision-Blizzard, one company that has started their decline and another that is deep into it.

    Microsoft pissing away $100B to buy these companies only to turn around and kill them 5-10 years later will end up breaking up the gaming conglomerates that have killed the western games industry. The only sad part is all the people that will lose their jobs and all the classic IP that will be squandered.

  • shinratdr@lemmy.catoGames@sh.itjust.worksWhat is the point of Xbox?
    2 months ago

    I think the studio closures was just the last straw. Like they spent almost $100 billion and they’ve made NOTHING. Like not one goddamn thing.

    Say what you will about Sony and Nintendo but they have output and they care about gaming because they have to, it’s the only way they make money.

    Microsoft could shutter their gaming division tomorrow and they would save money, not lose it. Whatever exec championed the buyouts for Game Pass is clearly gone or asleep at the wheel. So the end result is they own WoW, Candy Crush and CoD that print money and a bunch of franchises that haven’t seen a good release in 10+ years.

    The fact that they bought inExile, Obsidian and Bethesda and didn’t immediately start work on a Fallout 1/2 remake or an FNV sequel is evidence enough they they have no fucking clue what they’re doing. How does a company own so many studios and make no games!?

  • Has Microsoft put out a single worthwhile AAA title in the entire console generation? I bought an Xbox Series X after the Bethesda acquisition and I’ve used it once to boot up Starfield and then quit after 15 minutes when I realized it was boring as hell.

    They have this uncanny ability to spend more money on acquisitions and then completely stall the output from that company until every game blows.

    They had one good franchise that they didn’t run into the ground, Halo. And after they got control of it they killed that too. They own half the industry now and I feel like they produce less games than ever before.

    I feel like they’re going to get bored, kill their games division in 5 years and the whole industry will have to rebuild.

  • The bar and Tinder are not the exclusive domain of hookups. I met my partner of 5 years on bumble, my friend met his wife on Tinder.

    I think the advice others are giving is true to some extent, work on yourself and good things will come, but for most people you also have to go the extra mile and put yourself out there.

    Put yourself on the apps. Go to clubs, leagues, meetups, socials, events, parties etc. In general, say yes instead of no and talk to people instead of not. If something starts to develop you can give out those vibes that you’re looking for something more serious, and people will self-select.