Just another reddit refugee

Avatar/PFP by TmiracleART

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Damn Lemmy is wild, we’re just out here casually recommending kratom.

    I’m glad it’s working for you, but also we have no long term studies about refined kratom (and yes, it is refined, unless you’re out there eating the diet and chewing the m. speciosa leaf of the indigenous South East Asian tribes this practice originates from). I’ve had several classmates who replaced their Adderall addiction with kratom, and the side effects were nasty as hell, one of them even has permanent liver damage because of it.

    Sorry to be a fed, but I recommend anyone who wants to try kratom to really look into dosages and usage time beyond a cursory Google search and what random people (including me) say on social media before committing.

  • It’s so interesting that there are comments about how people can mute/block people if they get harassed, but nothing about the people doing the actual unhinged harassment. It seems personal responsibility only should be for the victims of harassment…

    On the topic itself, I actually know someone who works at Riot that is working on their “player management” tools, and the amount of data they have driving these is fascinating. The datasets they have are global, and aside from Vanguard, apparently there are certain toxicity trends that are so niche (in the Chinese servers, for example), you have to tune for the other server data sets for it (they weren’t really clear on how this works).

    I really wish I could see what the backend of this tech is like, very few games have 10+ years of player and esports data to train their LLM/AI models.

  • You can just RTFA, it’s literally in the first three sentences:

    Filing a proposed class-action suit in California, Katherine Wilson has accused Google of using Google Analytics and DoubleClick trackers on the California DMV site to unlawfully obtain information about her personal disability without her consent.

    This, Wilson argued, violated the Driver’s Privacy Protection Act (DPPA), as well as the California Invasion of Privacy Act (CIPA), and impacted perhaps millions of drivers who had no way of knowing Google was collecting sensitive information shared only for DMV purposes.

    You don’t think Google is tracking you when you’re filing your taxes online, do you?