• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • It wasn’t my intention to come across as aggressive. Not trying to pick a fight here.

    I’m honestly just curious about how some gen AI features are showing for you. If you are able to access them, I would love to reproduce what you did so that I could fiddle with the AI as well. I’m seeing the same bedtime stories on my iOS 17 / 18 devices and my Ventura Mac.

    When ask iOS 18 Siri to tell me a story, I get the same handful of stories over and over. Mouse college friends, a spider with the spindly legs, ground squirrels, etc. 🤷‍♂️

  • When instances get big, it gets really hard for volunteer admins to manage communities with controversial content. You end up having to deal with legal BS and lots of reports.

    Admins and mods putting restrictions in place has more to do with keeping the community maintainable. Dealing with all of that stuff is tough when it’s after work and out of your own pocket.

    I wish folks had a little bit more empathy for people volunteering their time and money to offer a free service. Lemmy.world’s head admin isn’t Zuck. He’s just a regular Joe Shmoe doing this in his free time.

  • These are volunteers, that have day jobs, that have to spend their own time and money to deal with the legal ramifications of that. These aren’t people with legal teams and millions to blow on risk mitigation. These are hobbyists doing this after work, after helping the kids with homework, after cooking dinner for the family, etc.

    Good news is that other instances exist. This is just what one group of volunteers is offering to the world.

  • Jesus@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThe latest Ads
    18 days ago

    If you chose to share that that data, or store that in the cloud, it’s E2EE / AES-256. Apple can’t decrypt it.

    If Apple didn’t do this for the Health app, they’d be running foul of a lot of new and decades old laws about biometric / health data.

    Also, there is little fact that Apple literally has no marketing segmentation products that utilize medical cohorts like this. They’re trying to sell an overpriced watch, accessories, and subscription services, not targeted ads.

  • Jesus@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldThe latest Ads
    18 days ago

    Hey. I like my smart watch. I enjoy tracking my biometrics and being able to leave my phone, but still be able to listen to music, calls, texting, etc.

    That said, I was also the kid who rocked a calculator watch in the 90’s, and I always wanted Dick Tracy’s watch.

  • You probably don’t really need to know a who someone is to pull that off. You just need to know how quickly and effectively anonymous vehicles move through a particular area at a particular time. Cities have been analyzing this stuff with dumb cables and loops embedded in streets for decades.

  • We we talking about the early physical prototypes they were making. And when you do that type of R&D, you try lots of weird stuff. You don’t know if it feels good until you try it.

    Could’ve been for handedness, then when they played with the prototypes, they realized the middle was the best solution.

    Or maybe it felt great, and the nipple jokes were too much.