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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 1st, 2024


  • I mean, you say that, but a new player looking to get into Stellaris or CKII is looking at a $300 bill if they want all the content. In fact that’s what prevented me from getting into Stellaris, I own the base game, but when I discovered I’d need to shell out an additional several hundred dollars, even during a sale, for not only new species but just for base game mechanics, I stopped in my tracks.

    Compare with Civilization, I own Civ V and Civ VI and all the released content for each, pretty sure I bought each of those for less than $20.

  • Anecdotal, but I’ve never once had a problem with any function of Firefox in the decade I’ve been using it. On the contrary it’s been the most stable browser I’ve had the pleasure of using, orders of magnitude more reliable in all situations than Chrome or Opera ever was.

    This post smells of astroturfing. There’s been an awful lot of “why is Firefox so shit?” posts recently, now that Google is proving itself untrustable.

  • I had a look at VaatiVidya’s video on this (many spoilers, you are warned) and while this all looks incredibly awesome, all I can think about seeing some of the new weapons are how these things are going to be an absolute menace in PvP. Specifically the >!beast claws.!<

    Good thing I’m already trash at PvP and am used to losing, because it looks like we’re getting like 8 new variations on what made Rivers of Blood a meta pick. I’m not really that upset about it, PvP isn’t my main draw to elden ring and I am going to have a ton of fun with these new weapons in single player, so I consider it a net positive, but even so, yeesh.

  • In a very basic sense a “clock” is just a fixed oscillation. In CPUs, for instance, all your data is carried by bursts of electricity that you can think of like Morse code. Bits are delineated by the clock, which is one wire that lights up on a regular interval and does nothing else (the “clock signal”). Every other process uses that clock signal as a reference point to know when one piece of data ends and the next begins. Essentially the time between one clock signal and the next is one “frame” of CPU time and you’ll usually have a few million or so of those every second.

    So if we think of this in a physics sense instead of a computer science sense, a physics clock could be any particle or particle interaction that happens repeatedly on a regular schedule. It could even happen on an irregular schedule, there’s no law saying the clock has to be consistent. I think it’s probably on a regular schedule, but for all we know the pico-femto-Planck or whatever the basic unit of time ends up being defined as might have slight variance caused by who knows what. But the important idea to take away is that a “clock” in a fundamental sense is basically just any action that repeats. It could be or look like anything. Maybe time is tied to quantum foam fluctuations, or gravity in a general sense, or specifically the up quark doing something. I have no idea and I think this researcher probably doesn’t either.

  • Some of those I understand complaining about but honestly Sets & Logic is a great class for a programmer. I wish that was in the standard math path so that everyone got a little of it in high school, the closest I got was doing proofs in geometry which while that is a sort of logic training it doesn’t really teach you how to make use of anything.

    Also, depending what you’re building exactly, advanced Calc and Numerical Analysis may be very useful and/or required to perform. Especially if you’re trying to accurately model something that happens in meatspace.

  • Sekiro is a lot more lenient on its parrying than Souls is. Whenever you see an attack incoming just mash the hell out of the block button for 1-2 seconds, more often than not you’ll get the parry. It’s the only Fromsoft game that allows that without punishing it.

    For some later bosses you’ll have to actually get their timing down but that’ll carry you far enough through the game for you to get your feet under you.