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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Nah. It doesn’t say not to plan. It says to prefer responding to change over planning. Which means both happen but responding to change is more crucial. Or put another way don’t let your plan get in the way of responding to change.

    I’m sure you were being sarcastic, but I get kind of tired of the Agile strawman and people shitting on it. It’s not a complex philosophy yet people extrapolate so much (too much) and then get annoyed when their assumptions don’t pan out well. even performing sprints is an extrapolation, so this meme gets it wrong too.

  • soloner@lemmy.worldtoPrivacy@lemmy.mlWhy don’t you like Apple?
    15 days ago

    Wife spilled some beer in the keyboard. Screen doesn’t turn on, it doesn’t hold a charge, keyboard doesn’t work. But we need sensitive data off the drive.

    Take it to their “genius” bar where we are told there is nothing that can be done for the old data and we should just buy a new one.

    I take it home, Google a bit and try target disk mode. Et Voila I’m in and can get that data from the hard drive as though it was an external HDD.

    Why the Apple “genius” didn’t share this option with me? They don’t actually care about helping.

    And that’s the rub with Apple. They don’t give a fuck about their users or developers. Just want to herd them around to make more money off their overpriced garbage.

  • soloner@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldSo...
    22 days ago

    It’s making it out like such a revelation wouldn’t be damaging. Being a single woman and not being young is not easy. Her taking it in stride like that is unrealistic.

    Ask yourself how you would feel in that situation after investing years in a relationship. Would you be that thrilled to be on the dating scene again and having to start over with someone new?

    Not saying it couldn’t be amicable like it has been portrayed, but this strip makes it out like there is nothing sad or difficult about the situation, only focusing on the perspective/agenda of the trans person.

  • I’ve had this problem. My solution was when starting a game to play regularly and semi exclusively. I.e. I only have one single player game I’m working on at a time, and I play it multiple times per week to make progress.

    And I just keep playing until I beat it. I then may take some time off gaming for a few days or weeks, but will eventually pick up another game and repeat.

    This works for me cuz when I don’t play consistently and decide to take, say, a one week break from a game, I find I end up not returning. So it’s crucial to keep revisiting the game and sensing that progress or it feels like it never ends and drags on and on. There’s also things like muscle memory and strategy that if I don’t keep fresh at least a few times per week, it makes returning to the game feel like more work rather than just jumping back in.

    I don’t have diagnosed ADHD so it may not apply to you but that’s what worked for me (and continues to work). I’ve played many dozens of games following this system for some years now.

  • Exactly. I was trying to be conservative by choosing only 6 and sticking to the cheaper plans.

    But it is entirely conceivable today that, if someone has literally all the subscriptions, they could be paying more than cable costs.

    Another factor I ignored for brevity is, at least when I was a kid, the price of cable was often bundled with Internet and telephone services. I can’t speak to how accurate the numbers would be, but I’m pretty sure my dad was paying $100+ for cable and everything else, meaning the cable likely wasn’t the entire cost of the bill. But I digress…

    Streaming has gotten out of hand, and anyone who disagrees with me today will eventually agree within a decade.

  • But the direction is certainly heading towards the realm of cable prices…

    • Netflix: $15.49
    • Amazon Prime Video: $14.99
    • Apple TV+: $6.99
    • HBO Max: $15.99
    • Disney+: $10.99
    • Hulu: $14.99

    Total: $79.44 per month

    So maybe when you account for inflation it is still only half of what cable costs,.perhaps. but those are the cheaper plans. For HDR support for Netflix it’s like $25, and it’s the reason I cancelled Netflix.

    I don’t think the meme is dumb, just ahead of it’s time, but it’s calling out what is certainly happening.

    Most streaming services now include ads in the paid subscription.

    Inch the ad ratio and prices up another 40% and we are getting pretty close to cable experience/cost. And that’s only a few years away when we look at how much costs have raised over the last 10 yrs.

    If each service raises price $1/month every year and you have 6 services, then in 5 yrs you’re paying $30 more per month, prob around $100+.

  • I’ve landed here as well. Whatever ADHD, bipolar, or autism I have is very mild. It still sucks cuz I definitely have trouble relating to people in various ways and often feel alienated more and overstimulated sooner than other people are.

    But it’s worked out. I have a family and a successful career. Just wish I wasn’t depressed all the time, but ya know how it is can’t win em all.