• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Well, when someone is so obviously traumatized that they can’t stop ranting long enough to think, what options are there?

    Once you’re past a certain point of trauma, it requires outside assistance to resolve, period. It isn’t something you can hand wave away, it isn’t something that changes as a fact even when the system is fucked.

    But I’m telling you, the way you’re acting, you’re pushing right towards a major event. Might snap and cause harm to yourself or others, it might turn into a cardiovascular insult or a digestive one, there’s no telling. But it isn’t a matter of if, it’s a matter of when.

    You’re so busy externalizing your pain, your fear, and your anger that it’s eating you up. You’ve devolved into monomaniacal rants; you do realize that’s not a good sign, right? People that are at that point in things, they don’t get better alone.

    Do you have a local support network? Friends, family, even helpful members of your community? If not, would you like some help finding local resources? It varies a lot, but there are usually services on a county and/or city level. Wait times are absurd, and everyone is overloaded, but they do triage crises ahead of stable conditions. You’d be able to get started at least.

    I’m still not sure if you’re serious, or maybe rage baiting, but I’ve walked the PTSD road. For decades. Once someone starts locking into a monomania like you are, it gets dangerous. The path out of that place is not easy, it’s not fast, but it is possible to find remission.

    The venom you’re spitting? It isn’t really about what you think it is. Your mind is scrambling, trying to find something to hold onto, a way to escape the pain. A lot of people go through that. Unfortunately, it’s not long once it starts before you hit rock bottom with it.

    So, if what you’re saying about your trauma is true, for your own health and safety, reach out and find a way to heal.

  • Damn, this is a trip

    This is both PTB and YDI.

    The blanket bans on a different instance is definitely overkill, which points right to a power trip. If it had been one or two, maybe it could be dismissed, but that many? Nah, that’s fucking crazy.

    But you were being a dick all up and down that thread.

    Now, I want you to stop for a second. See what I just said? What are you thinking and feeling right this second, after reading it.

    Go back to the thread you linked. Reread what you wrote with whatever reaction you had to me saying you were being a dick in your mind. See all those places where you were projecting that anyone that might object to your pronoun usage were being lesser because of it? Yeah, you were essentially just saying they would be dicks, and that you were better than them.

    Now, it doesn’t really matter whether point has any validity. It could have been relevant, but you were ranting all throughout the thread. When someone does that, they have to understand that it could come with consequences. That the consequences were far out of line is a separate issue.

    Now, fwiw, I actually partially agree with your premise, though the way you express it, and the details of your reasoning behind it are not good. Particularly the part about why “cishets hate us”. I get why you might think that, but it simply doesn’t match the words and actions of the bigots.

    Basically, you took a pet peeve, went on a rant and it was tangential to the actual post. I’m surprised the ban wasn’t from beehaw, they tend to frown on that degree of venom from anyone.

    But, again, despite you deserving something for running around foaming at the mouth digitally, the blanket bans are way out of line too

  • Being real?

    Half-assed motherfuckers that talk big shit, but won’t do a damn thing when someone else is taking the risk of trying to organize shit. Like, motherfucker, a year ago, you were all rage against the machine, now you’re fucking Taylor Swift.

    Don’t talk shit out at the shooting range like you’re Mr Che Guevara jr, then be all piss baby when someone tries to get something moving. Wah, I can’t. Wah, maybe next weekend. Wah, maybe if you can get more people.

    Fucking useless motherfuckers.

    Like, you punk-ass little wimp, GTFO. Calling motherfuckers bootlicker and capitalist pigs until there’s an possibility of doing something. Fuck you, and fuck everyone like you

  • Gotta frame the ideas first.

    A human right is something that should be inalienable. It would be something that, when violated, suppressed, or interfered with, would cause some degree of problem, regardless of the country or other geopolitical framework.

    A civil right is a right which would similarly cause an individual some degree of problem, but only within a given geopolitical framework.

    As an example, voting. In any state, it should be a right that every individual human have a say in their own governance. But voting is only one possible expression of that underlying right, and wouldn’t be applicable in all settings. That it is the most direct and obvious expression is separate.

    So, no, I don’t think the right to be forgotten is a human right, as it only matters within limited contexts. But it should be considered a civil right.

    Now, if anyone doesn’t like those terms, fine, feel free to use your own. They’re just what I use in my head for organizing ideas, not some kind of official thing.

    The only reason the distinction matters is that we currently live in a world where not everyone agrees on what are and aren’t human rights. When a given culture outright rejects things that another holds central, there’s not going to be consensus. That’s not to say that the consensus would be right, but if everyone agrees on it anyway, then the distinction ceases to matter because they’ll effectively be the same thing.

  • Well, like I keep reminding my teenager, teenagers are idiots.

    They can’t help it. Their brains are still cooking in puberty juice

    Every single person you’ve ever known was an idiot as a teenager. The only questions are how big of one, and was it obvious to everyone around them or not?

    But, yeah, that general kind of idiocy is pretty common. “I’m so random! hahahahah!” It’s a thing. Back in my day, we didn’t have the benefit of the internet, so we had to be loud when we were being idiots for attention.

    The meowing part is just a variation on a theme that runs through teenagers where a vaguely inoffensive noise is used often enough and long enough to become offensive to the ear.

    An example of teenage stupidity: back in high school, me and one of my friends had a pact. At any point, one of us could call out “Merry Christmas!”. The other, regardless of when or where it was, had to respond with “shitter’s full!” The price of failing to do so? Nothing at all, it was just two idiot teenagers being idiots. The staff at school were smart enough to ignore it and eventually we stopped because we moved on to other stupidity. Well, for a while; the last time we ran into each other was a year ago, and we were in our late forties, but I called out Merry Christmas, and he sure as fuck yelled out that his shitter was full.

    I never said adults weren’t idiots too ;)

  • Plenty, though it’s a general thing rather than some rigid code. And these are my rules, not necessarily things that everyone should be doing. When it comes to that, Wheaton’s law covers everything well enough lol.

    First, in full honesty, I sometimes will break my rules and engage with assholes, trolls, or other bad actors out of sheer boredom to entertain myself, and I’ll often throw all my other rules out the window if they’re enough of an asshole.

    So, my number one rule is honesty. I refuse to lie. For one, I’ve come to value the freedom of being exactly who I am too much to fuck around. For another, I’m too fucking old to keep track of bullshit, so I’d fuck up eventually anyway. Now, I’m not saying I’ll never wrap a truth up in fancy clothes for entertainment sake, I enjoy telling stories for my own fun and I’ll tell them in a way that pleases me. The facts are always true, though the way they’re expressed might make it seem otherwise.

    Like, I sometimes break out stories about my friend Spider. If I just say that he mouthed off in a bar and got me into a fight, that’s fucking boring. If I say that he pulled out his penis because the was worried he broke it, that’s less boring, but telling the story in one line is a waste when describing said penis is so much more fun. Same with my stories about my cousin, Fucking Ryan. I’m not ruining a good story by writing it down using minimalism, I’m going to tart that bitch up and make it a ride, you dig? It’s all true, but if I say Fucking Ryan stole a hamburger from me, that’s not as entertaining as describing the ketchup leaking from his pocket.

    Second, if I choose to answer a question, I try to answer it to the best of my knowledge, without too much in the way of judging that it was asked. You ask about how to tell if you broke your dick, the answer is going to be about how you tell, with no more than a return question about why you need to know. That is negated when the person asking is a douche, where I will give them shit about them being a douche, but I’ll still answer.

    Third, I try to remember that I’m talking to other humans. Sometimes the bots and ai generated stuff makes that hard. Other times, I fall into the trap of reacting to what’s on the screen rather than the fact that a human put it there. This is the rule I fail to follow the most. A lot of the time, that doesn’t matter because humans are assholes, and some of the shit they say is worth some backlash. But I try to take a second and think about what might have caused someone to say something shitty that is out of character even if I don’t know them.

    Which leads into the fourth. There’s a limit on how many slaps I’ll go into a slap fight. I figure that if I can’t either redirect the person into a real conversation in three or four comments that also include not taking their bullshit, it isn’t worth continuing. That means that I may tell someone they’re acting like an asshole, but I’ll also be trying to get them to break out of it and move on. Believe it or not, it works. Not all the time, but it amazes me how often just telling someone they’re being a dick, and that I’m just another human trying to interact makes them stop and think for a second. Works best with folks that are already attacking an idea instead of a person, but are just being dicks to the person as a side thing.

    What it all boils down to is extensions of Wheaton’s law. Ways to not be a dick, or to be less of a dick.

  • The only time a mod account being active matters is when the community isn’t being moderated.

    As an example, one of my meat space friends mods two or three communities, and never posts, and hasn’t left a comment in something like a year. But he still checks in daily, despite the communities being low traffic.

    On the opposite end, I’m running my mouth all over lemmy daily, but none of the communities I mod have any activity at all because there’s no point to them, which means I never check them any more. So I look like an active mod to some eyes, but he doesn’t. That’s despite neither of us having ever had to take a mod action at all.

    If there’s a community already established, and it isn’t active, try posting there for a while and see if it becomes active a lot of people actually scroll all because it’s more interesting on average. So new posts to a dead community can draw eyes, and maybe lead to activity from others.

    If that doesn’t work, starting another one is worth the effort.

    That being said, sometimes, if the community is on one of the bigger instances, starting the same thing on a smaller one can work out well

  • Man, if only you knew. Maybe you do, I dunno.

    But the scale they’re using doesn’t even begin to cover it all. There’s some things that show up as a smell in poo, like diabetes in particular where you get a fermented fruit smell underneath the usual scatole forward smell.

    There’s medications that make some unpleasant odors, with opiates being one of the more subtle but distinctive ones. Fish oil for cholesterol is unmistakable. Antibiotics throw the entire digestive tract into chaos, so there’s a span where poo can smell kinda neutral before the bacteria rebound, and then you get some weird mixes. Poo can smell like a dead body that’s starting to bloat (and gods, that smell is one you’ll never mistake as anything else) after antibiotics. Which isn’t surprising that cadaverine is possible, but when it’s the predominant smell, it’s crazy until you run across it enough times that you don’t literally run to your charge nurse thinking something’s wrong.

    What’s really fun is when you run across someone that’s post-antibiotic, has a ton of medications that generate smells, and eat bad. I once smelled what I thought for sure was a dead, rotting skunk. Which I have smelled before, so it isn’t a random comparison, it smelled almost identical. That one hit me one morning going into a patient’s home, and I was dreading trying to sort out how to handle a dead animal stinking up the place, because who handles that for the patient?

    But I went to check the patient first, of course, and it was them.

    Those biochemical factories in our intestines are amazing, and horrible.

  • Well, not sure what you mean for certain.

    However, nerve blocks are used to reduce pain, or reduce nerve signals.

    The pudendal nerve services the general pelvic floor, iirc. I know that it can get impinged and end up causing a wide range of problems, with chronic pain being the most common.

    By injecting the nerve and surrounding tissues with medication, you can reduce or even eliminate that.

    Back before ultrasound, you’d have to palpate to feel the site to know exactly where to inject. The image shows the approach used to do so. Afaik, nobody does it like this nowadays. It’s all done with imaging, with ultrasound being the default to the best of my knowledge.

    In other words, if yo junk is burning, taking a finger up the ass and a needle in the taint might actually be better.