• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • Lol. I guess it’s hard to tell when you haven’t seen the site change over time but… yeah?

    It uses to be “argumentless” discussions on esoteric tech and philosophy issues… then a few years later it was people commenting the same 9 memes for 9,000 comments… then a few years later suddenly everyone’s anecdotes are praising China, or capitalism, or offhandedly mentioning some product or influencer.

    Tbh tho, most of Reddit now just reads like Subreddit Simulator. All of the site’s value regarding sincere, unique, and detailed user content… yeah, that’s gone. They’re just coasting on past laurels, will be fun to watch the wheels fall off as the data stays locked in 2023, before the LLM Ouroboros.

  • Kinda off topic but I hate standard shoes because for whatever reason it’s widely accepted that we should not use our whole foot, crush the pinkie toe, and deform the foot for life. I don’t get it. No wonder so many people have foot problems later in life.

    I wear shoes that allow my toes to spread out completely. Xero is what I use for now but since this is a shoe discussion I’m interested if anyone knows of others. I only wear “barefoot” shoes for reasons above. I don’t want the accessory muscles that support my foot to atrophy.

    Shoe rant concluded. That said Xero does make some professional shoes I think. I wear some around the house that have no laces and are just black, cozy.