A husband. A father. A senior software engineer. A video gamer. A board gamer.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • ulkesh@beehaw.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlI Tried Gaming on Linux...
    15 days ago

    GloriousEggroll among a few others, and Valve of course, are the main reasons Linux gaming is now effectively solved (aside from anti-cheats where there’s nothing to do if some developers don’t want to support Linux).

    I haven’t yet watched the video, but I agree I’ve not needed to use Steam beta at all. While it’s around 70% of tracked games being labeled Gold or higher on protondb, I have found that with proton-ge, 100% of the games I’ve tried have worked without issue (on the order of 30ish games thus far).

    I won’t be going back to Windows, ever. So it kinda stinks that some devs just won’t support Linux for anti-cheat (like Lost Ark, etc). But it’s a price I’m willing to pay to not be spied on.

  • Not really. I used to be. But being nice has screwed me so much in my life because of being taken advantage of and not being respected that I have no interest in being nice to others anymore, at least by default. I am polite when meeting a new person, but I am skeptical of them until they prove they are worth me being truly nice to them. All I ask of people is some level of reciprocation when they’re able to reciprocate (even a “thank you” is usually enough for me) – but that very rarely happens.

  • I’ve distro-hopped across at least 20-30 varying distros between 1999, when I began my Linux journey, and now.

    From Big Box Redhat 5 to Debian to Mandrake to Ubuntu to Fedora to Mandriva (what Mandrake and Conectiva became) to Arch to Cent to insert-flavor-here and a mix of many of those over the years.

    I’ve settled on Garuda Arch for the time being, and may eventually give Nobara a try once GE has v40 out and has made more progress on umu.

    The one distro I’ve never tried: Gentoo. I suppose I’m okay with binaries built by someone else.

  • The general populous would have no clue how to install Windows either, which can, to this day, still have driver issues.

    The issue isn’t Linux. The issue is OEMs’ reluctance to provide hardware with Linux preinstalled. The moment Best Buy sells computers with Linux on it is the moment we’re done having this debate.