• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • The real psychological pain comes from the realisation that your parent never really cared about your boundaries.
    They’ll even give your ITR account OTP to someone who will block you out from it and it will be your fault for trusting them with it, but I guess this example is too irrelevant.

    The teenage years are around the time when children start evaluating their own actions and start having their own personality (which is kinda related to the rebellious stage). They realise the power dynamic between them and their parent which they were until then not conscious about.
    It is the parents’ actions during this time that determines what their evaluation of the past power dynamic will be and so will be their decision of what relationship they will have with their parents once they are financially independent.

    So, whether or not the experience is traumatic, your future relationship with your child depends upon how much they care about who sees their pictures.

  • LEAN from the web:

    After each iteration, project managers discuss bottlenecks, identify waste and develop a plan to eliminate it.

    1st iteration:

    Project Manager A: Requiring approval of multiple Project Managers for the same thing is causing a bottleneck. So is having to wait for a specific manager for a specific topic.

    Resolution: Let all managers approve everything and need only a single manager’s approval.

    2nd iteration:

    Project Manager B: There are too many redundant managers. It’s a waste of resources.

    Resolution: Get rid of all mangers but one. Actually, let the engineers manage themselves.

    3rd iteration:

    Consensus: LEAN development is a scam though

  • … Except when it doesn’t.
    I use Gnome at work, on an older (supposedly stable) version of RedHat and there are a few ways it breaks, but when it does, it Breaks Bad. I would be fine with said breakages if it were not trying to claim focussing on having lesser bugs and in turn reducing customisability to such low levels that changing stuff like animation speed (which, by default is set to productivity destroying speeds), is not possible from the default repos.

    KDE and related applications are much more tolerable and when I find a bug I tend to be happy to report.


  • I just went “Shiit! Am I sitting on potential system breakage?” (because I don’t remember doing any such intervention)
    But turns out it was just a conflicts with change.

    From what I know, pacman straight-up asks you what you want, in these cases. Sure, it’s technically manual intervention, but for me, who scans over updated packages every-time, this is considered standard procedure.

    Manual intervention is when GRUB doesn’t install properly using the suggested command and you have to learn where your distro places the boot image and configure stuff accordingly.

    Also, I don’t have JDK so…