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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • I’m 32 and I am constantly baffled by how inevitable we assume social media is. There are constantly articles and videos and blogs and vlogs and insta stories about how instagram and such make us either unhappy by constant comparison, by sucking up our time, by reducing our attention span, or by altering our brain chemistry. And all of this is presented in a way that doesn’t even question whether we… need an instagram account?

    When facebook etc started to come around I quite immediately realized that if I started to engage in this, in trying to present myself online or look at others’ presentations of themselves, that would be the end of me. It would suck me in. I stayed away from the beginning and I still have no instagram, facebook, tiktok, etc. I have no account on a platform where I would ever even be able to post pictures or stories of myself. And I am by far not a social outcast, introvert or alternative person. By most accounts I am very average and mainstream and I do just fine without social media (unless you count lemmy or watching some youtube video as social media). I manage to make new friends and even know what is trending without following vlogs and blogs and whatnot.

    Like, there is a life - a livable life, a life not on the outskirts of society - where social media just doesn’t play a role. Where you don’t need to consider whether this picture of you is providing too much personal information.

  • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldPride wins!
    3 days ago

    I’m sorry but when I read “pride month is defeated” in the context of a heterosexual engagement my mind immediately assumes the dude is a closeted homosexual who chose her as his beard instead of coming out. And this is how he “defeated pride”. By choosing a heteronormative lifestyle over his actual preferences.

    The most optimistic scenario my head can come up with to make the sentence make sense would be that she’s bisexual and because of him she chose to commit to a heteronormative relationship.

    In any way, for a lack of a better term, putting your engagement in context of defeating pride makes you look quite gay.

  • Bro, me too - but for August 2017.

    For context, I missed the eclipse in Germany in 1999 because we were visiting family abroad with my mom. So we said back then that we will find a way to see an eclipse. That was before the internet, my dad and sister had VHS taped the event from TV and there was a graph with dates and a map for future eclipses so we kinda knew that sometime in 201x there will be one in the USA.

    Fast forward 17 years and we start planning. For us this includes not just an oversea flight and expensive hotels but also getting visas (we’re not German) and finding how to get to the place in the USA that is least likely to be clouded and we both don’t drive.

    It was also the first time I ever slept in a tent. I think we ended up in Madras, Oregon. Man I can tell you we were nervous wracks when the weather forecast didn’t look good. But we ended up lucky and had a clear sky after all.

  • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldfin
    7 days ago

    Well that’s $1000 well spent if she found joy and entertainment and even something like success by being the number one worldwide in this game. I’ve seen much more stupider Guinness world records. And much more stupider ways to spend money.

  • volvoxvsmarla @lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldMom Burn
    17 days ago

    Well yeah it is either a literal capitalist candle or a specifically styled candle for symbolic reasons or a lingo for something that is not a literal candle. I mistook baptising candles in a baby shop for dildos yesterday so I think my mind went that direction.

    Edit: according to google it is really the first

  • I remember the first time I was shown a meme by a friend. She showed me a rage comic on 9 gag and I absolutely didn’t get it obviously and she was desperate to explain and just said “yeah it’s not that funny but when you see them often you kinda start getting what they mean” and I thought that’s a stupid ass concept and wtf.

    Well, here we are now. It’s about 15 years later. By now I have a toddler who speaks “English” but it’s basically just meme quotes in fitting situations because her parents mostly communicate in memes.

  • That’s super nice of you. I think it is an HP 250 G7 (that’s on the back), I bought it back in like 2017. I’m not very tech savvy and just bought the one a fellow student had and said she liked. It drives me nuts because I don’t get how to turn it on or off (I mean I do, but it changes what it wants all the time, you gotta rub it the right way).

  • Honestly shit like that works really well when half of your notebook’s keyboard doesn’t work anymore. The on screen keyboard is limited and copy pasting letters from texts can be faster. Especially with special characters. Or when you just need an a or s, opening the on screen keyboard again and again vs copy pasting it once and using it as a source - the second one is faster.

    I am very sad and desperate I can’t afford a new laptop

  • First off, I am not vegan or even vegetarian. But every time I eat meat I am very aware that I am doing this from a very hedonistic point. It is not necessary for either my health or survival, nor is it morally or ethically ok. It just is not. Trying to find anything other than I like how it tastes as an argument is futile. But again, I am saying this as a person who does eat meat, not daily, but regularly.

    You are completely ignoring the fact, that for many it is too time consuming and involved to go vegan.

    It is not time consuming. Instead of making noodles with minced meat and tomato sauce you make noodles with tomato sauce. You literally leave out one ingredient, that’s it. Especially going vegetarian is literally a no brainer. If you aren’t too anal about being vegan (trace amounts etc) this is also really not time consuming. You don’t need to do fancy vegan recipes with sprouts or quinoa, this is the equivalent of cooking a beef wellington with truffle sauce for lunch. Even your walk through a supermarket is shorter because you don’t need to go through the meat aisle.

    And then you are imposing your belief that others should invest the same amount of resources, be it time or money, or they are worse human beings not caring about animals.

    You and I are less caring about animals and the planet. Even if we buy organic free range meat, we know the carbon footprint. We know that an animal was scared before its life ended untimely and unnecessarily. Let’s not fool ourselves here: It’s not a belief. It is what it is. It is a choice to make but let’s be clear: it is a choice. And as with every choice, it has consequences. Moneywise, I think I won’t tell you anything new by pointing out that meat substitute products are expensive, but a plain vegetable based diet is not per se expensive. Although I am very baffled by how little meat can cost - but we are talking about the lowest standard meat here. A kg of free range chicken breast is 30€ where I live. I can’t afford that every day for sure. And again, you don’t have to buy fancy sprouts, pea protein sausages, quinoa and all that. Rice, a can of kidney beans fried with an onion, and some sauteed veggies are a full meal which will not cost more or is more difficult or time consuming to make than any meat dish. Hell there’s even convenience food for vegetarians and vegans, which will - as all convenience products - cost more than if you prepared it yourself, but choose the resource you want to spend.

    In other words, being able to switch your diet is usually a sign of at least slight financial privilege.

    With a push to leave out meat, fish, and animal products, you are not being told to buy something. You are being told to leave something out. But I absolutely agree that if you are struggling to get by, then a kg of low quality chicken wings will get you fuller than a kg of bell peppers, which might also be more expensive. But the greatest majority of us - those not on food stamps or counting every penny - can absolutely afford to go vegan/vegetarian or at the very least leave out meat once in a while. Especially if you usually try to look for better quality meat (which is on the more expensive site) you can easily save money by leaving out meat.

    I just had some tofu so you don’t have to preach to me. But let others be and do not compare veganism to anti-genocide. It is absolutely ridiculous.

    If anything, not eating meat is more effective and more directly effective on ecological movements than protesting will be on your country’s (assumed by me) support of genocide. It’s very easy compared to much more complex issues. There are a lot of problems in the world that cannot be compared well but are all very important. You can address one and the other.