Also Not a lot of Zeppos out here.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • zeppo@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.worldWhen did reddit turn Facist?
    2 months ago

    I’ve been using reddit since 2008 and the idea of any conservative bullshit on there would have been really surprising before 2015. Overall though the amount of generic person stupidity has increased in the past few years. Not that all sports fans are like this, but often i get the stupidest reply from someone - like, close minded, blithely cruel about whatever topic - and look at their profile and the ONLY other thing they’ve commented on is sports.

  • It’s fairly easy to infer that Fox would not give a sympathetic or neutral interview to someone with views that the hosts fundamentally disagree with. The mod was unprepared, had poor lighting - which surely Fox could have asked them to fix before the show - started rocking back and forth, but they also have a lot of subtle ways of manipulating the audience. If you watch their other shows, the hosts use facial expressions and negative tones of voice to express what they want viewers to feel about the topic - look like they’re having an orgasm when they mention Trump, scowl and use a derisive tone for Democratic politicians. Some of that was going on with Waters’ smug smirk, but I think he detected quickly that the mod was an easy target and he didn’t have to do much for the intended effect. For some reason the interview drifted to the interviewee’s personal life vs. antiwork, too, and that’s intentional imo.

  • Swallowing requires coordination of a lot of different muscles. Do you mean that you can’t get the swallowing process to start or that you swallow and food doesn’t go down all the way?

    I had a lot of problems with the latter when I was sick with undiagnosed celiac and later developing type 1 diabetes. I’d swallow fine, but it would feel like the food was stuck in my sternum and it was very miserable. They couldn’t find anything physically wrong with my esophagus at the time. My interpretation was the esophagus was inflamed from acid reflux and thus narrowed.

  • You’ve evidently entirely misunderstood what I said. My entire point has been that stocks are worth money and I’m not sure what this “does not apply to you so you’re against it” is supposed to mean. I never said I was “against” stocks and whether I or my family own any is not only something you’d not know, but is also irrelevant.

    My point was that when people say something like “Elton doesn’t have $200 billion, it’s just stock!” they’re acting like stocks aren’t real. I’m not.