• Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
    8 months ago

    I think maybe my point was that not everything humans do should be acceptable to do in public because most people don’t really want to watch it. I’m not sure why that is so controversial a position to some people. I really don’t think it’s kink shaming to say that most people don’t want to watch anyone have sex in front of them in a public place. Would it be kink shaming to say that I don’t want to watch someone take a shit on someone else’s chest right in front of me because their specific kink is ‘take a shit on someone’s chest right in front of Flying Squid?’

    I think there is a difference between ‘that is wrong, don’t do it’ and ‘I don’t want to see you doing it and pretty much no one else does either.’

    • daltotron@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I think that your position is legitimate, but I also think it should be interrogated? Why don’t you want to watch me take a shit on someone else’s chest? C’mon, it’d be fun, lemme try it, just watch and see.

      No, but really, but actually, for realsies, is it just a kind of basic disgust at work, there? Because that might be fine, right, but disgust is also responsible for some pretty bad human behaviors, human -isms in the world. Appeals to popularity, appeals to public sentiment, also don’t help me, there, they don’t help me to dispel the -isms. If you can hit me with a reason why you hate the orgies in the park, beyond just “I don’t really want to look at them”, then I’d be willing to accept that, but “I don’t want to look at them” isn’t really good enough.

      Freebie answer: “I have sexual trauma and it triggers me to look at them”, right?

      At the same time, all of what I said previously still holds true. Orgy could be regularly scheduled, you could be notified ahead of time, there could be some sort of equitable agreement reached here, possibly. Maybe they just hold the orgy in a different park, I dunno. Maybe they post up “this is the orgy park” signs everywhere in pretty bold lettering before you enter the park, so you clearly know when the orgy is. If it’s bothering you, like, on a deep intrinsic level, to know that anyone, anywhere, is having sex in any public place, any public park, I’d expect you to be mad about, like, I dunno, porn screenings, or theatrical performance art that uses sex, or stuff like that, as well. Or maybe even people just having sex in private, I dunno. And I’d also expect that to be, you know, a you problem.

      It’s disgusting to watch someone drink a cup of their own collected spit, right, nobody wants to see that. But why not? Can’t I just eat spiders in public, as a treat? I need to get my macros in, damnit! Why can’t I shit on the sidewalk? There’s not a bathroom that they’ll let me use in like five city blocks, and I have IBS from rampant drug abuse as a result of my crippling poverty and homelessness! Truly, the earth is hell upon which I walk. Pity me, the man who can’t piss on the grave of margaret thatcher without getting arrested for public indecency.

      • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
        8 months ago

        It’s not that I don’t want to look at them, it’s that I guarantee you that most people wouldn’t want to watch people having sex in public.

        Shouldn’t a general consensus on such things matter?

        Also, are you really complaining about not being able to take a shit on the sidewalk? Can you really not think of any reasons apart from people not wanting to see it why that might not be a good thing? You know, like not creating biohazards?

        • daltotron@lemmy.world
          8 months ago

          I mean, if I can take a shit on a sidewalk, and still use a doggy bag to pick it up afterwards and throw it out, what’s the holdup, here?

          I don’t necessarily think that public sentiment shouldn’t be held to account here, but I also think, yeah maybe it just doesn’t matter, the general public, if you aggregated it all, holds some kind of stupid and unjustified opinions about things, I’m sure.

          • Flying Squid@lemmy.worldOP
            8 months ago

            Throughout human history, the general consensus of the public is what determined what is and is not acceptable in the public square. Why should it be any different now?

            • daltotron@lemmy.world
              8 months ago

              Cause I am the captain now.

              No, but to me it’s less about like, historical precedent, and just more whether or not what we’re doing makes any sense. I dunno, I think diogenes was cool, but then also I might cite like, you know, how the greeks would let people shit in the street and piss everywhere and just had a shit ton of graffiti and people having sex in public and stuff, if I wanted to cite a counterargument, or if I wanted an example of how kind of, subject to change, societal standards for these kinds of things are. Formerly rural, rapidly urbanizing modern indian cities, might be another example.

              I would like my standards of what is and isn’t publicly acceptable in the public square to be based on more than just like, the vibes of what we’re all kinda feeling at the time, though, is the larger deal.

              At the very least I’d like to try and change public sentiment to something that makes more sense, you know, I’d like to attempt that. Especially if there’s some measurable improvement in quality of life for everyone, like homeless people no longer getting arrested for exercising their basic excretory functions in a society which has privatized a good amount of it’s public waste management infrastructure. Certainly I would be more empathetic to the counterargument, if we had more regular, more regulated, public bathroom infrastructure. The first step towards such a process is convincing people, getting everyone to change their minds, which is pretty hard to do if everyone just makes appeals to what everyone else already believes.