I cant believe I managed to make another update exactly one week later. Please forget that this is the case since I will definitely not be able to hold any tight schedule with these updates.

This week I have seen a lot of traffic on world concerning meta. Some of it nuanced, some of it highly critical and some outright propaganda which is omitting the truth and trying to influence people to “look the other way” while they take over our fediverse.

It is also the reason why I decided to update the description of our instance today so we are somewhat up to date on links and support options.

I havent put this in the description but I will likely do so after finishing this post but we have signed the fedipact back when it was clear that federation with meta was going to happen. Our instance will never federate with meta and we will not change this, no matter what happens.

If something else majorly happens I might post another update soon. Lets see.

Remember that you can join GiftedMC, even if you dont like minecraft, as a supporter. Check our instance sidebar for support options.

Thanks for reading and have a good one!