For me : Trippie Redd’s “!” Is actually a great album

    2 months ago

    Satriani is a great guitarist (among the best), but a mediocre song writer. He suffers from what I like to call The Solo Syndrome (not a reference to guitar solos). A song tends to be better when multiple musicians have had input, otherwise there’s too much focus on only one instrument. A lot of solo musicians’ music suffers from this.

    Take for example Satrianis “Made of Tears”. How much better wouldn’t the song have been if an actual basist had written a cool bass riff to go along with it?

    Or another example from Satriani: “Searching”. Excelent guitar hook in the beginning and the end, but I would’ve loved it more if there were other bandmembers who could tell him that the middle section is long and boring and would be better spent playing WITH other instruments instead of TO other instruments.

    I find that Steve Vai is a better (and comparable) songwriter (although a lot of his songs aren’t to my taste)

      2 months ago

      Right on. I was kinda holding back from saying his music is boring, but you explained it better. And I agree, Vai, while also making guitar solo driven music, actually makes interesting songs that you don’t tune out after the first 2 minutes of listening,

      2 months ago

      Satriani is a great guitarist (among the best)

      That’s very far from true. The last decades have brought forth countless young talents. Every single one of them smokes satriani in a pipe. Easily.

      2 months ago

      I’m a Satriani fan and, while I totally disagree with you calling him a mediocre song writer, I can’t help but understand your point about Searching and Made of Tears. If that’s your sample of his music I totally understand your view.

      Searching is just a catchy Whammy trick followed by an unending jam/solo. It’s very uncharacteristic of him. Made of Tears is not a bad song (one of the best on Super Colossal and it’s not a good thing) but is definitely off what I was used to hear from him when that album came out.

      The thing is, if you want to know what Satch is about you have to hear what he did before Super Colossal. I like Super Colossal. But for me it’s when his fire died. Sure, you can still hear his genius there but only on the occasional song. For me Ten Words is the last song where you find that. One of his most simple songs. It’s an appropriate farewell. What came after is still good…but it’s not mind-blowing.

      Super Colossal came out in 2006, you should hear what he did before if you want to know why he’s considered one of the most melodic guitar players ever. Is There Love in Space already has some signs of his “downfall” but you have to be Searching them (wink, wink).

      Before that everything is genius and everything is different. I’d say, in my opinion, he hit his peak on the 2 albums before that (Crystal Planet and Strange Beautiful Music). But even before those two you have lots of material showing what he used to be about.

      Steve Vai is maybe more original. It’s a matter of preference. But I’ve only felt about him the same way as old Satch on 2 albums. The rest is nice but meh. I am looking forward to their collaboration though, it gave me good vibes.