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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 13th, 2024


  • I’ve never seen any substantial evidence of a distro with outdated packages really being any more reliable than a rolling release.

    I think the fundamental issue here is that you conflate the concepts of reliablility and stability. Those are not the same. Stability in distros is a question of how much they restrict change during support cycles in order to not be a moving target for developers and system integrators. Fundamentally a rolling release can’t be stable. It can absolutely be reliable to use, but you wouldn’t use it as a basis for an embedded system you’re trying to develop.

  • I’m not sure in which direction your sarcasm is actually going there.

    I wouldn’t say they are a monolith, with all those different sects and the fatwas where you basically have to choose which person or group of muftis you trust to issue binding ones.

    On the point of brainwashing… well depends on how you define it, I’d say. I think all Religion at its core is supposed to influence your thinking profoundly and most religious people are brought up into their belief system. What is just socialisation and what is brainwashing I don’t know how to distinguish.