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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • Although I will say that by now the goalpost has long moved from 60 FPS and you really want to be aiming at 144 or more.

    This is more or less subjective, or an ideal. Most people agree that 60FPS is completely fine (or pretty good) for single player experiences, as long as it is a smooth and stable 60 and doesn’t have bad stuttering or the like. Naturally, almost everyone would say they would still be happy with more, but they’re by no means miffed. Multiplayer experiences on the other hand, you’d have a point.

    That being said, without raytracing on - which is mostly disappointing anyways -

    LMAO sure whatever you say. You can be disappointed in the performance cost, but CP77’s raytracing is undeniably some of the best around. The performance hit is definitely worth being bothered by, but real time ray tracing is a very new thing that is still being fleshed out, and we’re 3 (or 2(?) for AMD generations of it, or 0 for Intel) deep. Both the software and hardware are actively being optimised for better performance and features, and we won’t see the full fruits of the current cost for another few years yet.

  • Or… It’s just the first trailer for a game they’ve been hounded for years at this point? They don’t need to put in effort to sell GTA6 at this point, they basically could just release GTAV with some QOL fixes and features (looking at you load times, still) and they’d have buyers lined up. GTA6 at this point in time is already a fully fueled hype train, until they announce a massive delay, so they can trickle feed out trailers with minimal effort up until that point. Obviously this is my opinion and such, but I would be honestly a little surprised if they were rushing it, given how 5 performed at launch.

  • Because they aren’t the same, or compatible with eachother really. I use them a lot and can almost promise you the problem is when you involve the “square” one’s at all. Robertsons all have a taper, so you can kinda use square bits/screws either each other, but they will chew the shit out of each other. Squares will always slip/strip, Robertson is far better IME.

  • Hey now, you can’t just lump Robertson and “Square” as the same ones, one is assuredly better and it sure as shit as not square. Robertsons have a slight taper that prevent the bit from slipping out, and the stupid square ripoff has 0 angles. So if you use Robertson bits on a square screw, it gets super fucked, and if you swap it basically doesn’t work at all. If you use Robertson for both, its fucking magic.

    TLDR: Square bits not same. Square bit bad. Robertson good.

  • That’s a nice outlook you have, and I wish it could be more relatable. The things you’re “not worrying about because you can’t change them” are actively ruining that entire dealio though. You don’t need to be thinking about them all the time to do the bare minimum and simply acknowledge that they are current issues, and will remain to be issues until fixed. It also takes little to zero effort to be aware of the fact that “pulling yourself up” is not always viable, precisely because of these issues you’ve been “not thinking about”. The issues give zero fucks about if your or anyone else is thinking of them. They are still making simply surviving, its own problem.

    Crying about it doesn’t help anyone, but to say these people just need to “dust themselves off” when you are actively ignoring the issues that are preventing them front being happy or comfortable (not rich, literally just surviving not at the edge), is extremely rich. All that says is you got your piece, and think that means everyone can get theirs. It disregards the possibility of different external and personal conditions. Either of which can, and are, a significant blockage, to that path of progress you refer to.

  • Or you can stop crying yourself a river, roll up your sleeves, and get to work on doing something about it. To make the best of you’ve got and work on improving the parts of life you aren’t satisfied with one step at a time with a relatively clear and focused end goal in mind.

    Bold to assume everyone has the capability to do this. Maybe you got lucky with an area, maybe someone else got unlucky, but to pretend like any single person is in complete control of their life is an absolute joke. “Rolling up your sleeves and getting to work” stopped being a viable route a while ago, around the same time people started needing two or more jobs to afford basic necessities.

    You can make the best of what you got, but if all you got is 0 left over time, <2% extra money in your pockets after living expenses, and a “give’r your best shot” mentality, all you have is… no extra time to commit that effort, and no money to improve your conditions, which would have helped with the time bit. That also doesn’t even touch on the people with mental/physical disabilities, or mental health issues.

    Sometimes even if you try, the only areas you can sacrifice are the only things keeping you afloat. That’s just how it is. You can’t win them all. And some, can’t win the basics. That’s where we’re at now.

  • Good take, but I think it ignores a lot.

    We’re stronger, wiser and ultimately happier for it, despite outward appearances

    Mainly here. Yes everything people are getting is from their own actions, but it completely ignores the people that haven’t gotten anything from the struggle, which is a growing number of people. It also disregards people that don’t have the opportunity to carve their own way at all.

    There is still a bar that needs to be met to get anywhere, and it is just getting higher in may places. Sure once you hit the bar, you’re in a better spot and can see that the struggle paid off, but if you never get to the bar, if you never get to the point of “keeping your head at the water”, there is no payoff. These people just get to struggle. That’s all there is, and there is only so much of that before the struggle isn’t worth the payoff anymore.

  • I mean… as an autistic person, when your only statement is “I’ve done this, this, and that. Nobody understands!” Your statement is very critically missing anything to do with what people are failing to understand, or what you’re trying to accomplish. Autism can be hard, but complaining about this as an issue while not actually demonstrating an issue, and actually demonstrating a complete non-issue, is not going to get any help for yourself.

    All you have specificied here is that you:

    • Do things
    • Aren’t understood

    What are we supposed to get out of that? Sure, nobody is understanding, but you’ve given nothing to interpret or understand.

    If you have issues saying what you have issues with, I can relate, that is something I deal with. Expressing yourself can be hard. What makes it harder is not trying to express anything, because that “expressing” is hard. Express anything, even if it isn’t perfect or close to what you’re thinking, because at least you can hear yourself say it and think “oh, yea that is NOT it.” Eventually you’ll be left with whatever it is.

  • You should double check your settings, you may have “Adaptive Resolution” turned on (since it is on by default), but it actually makes performance worse while making everything nice and vaseline-y. Also maybe change the AA, if you hit the advanced settings you can enable TAA which had better overall performance than the others for me.

    Edit: oh and I get just barely below you for performance, on a 3800x (OC) and a 3070 (Undervolt OC). Somewhere around 40fps avg, peaks of 60-70. 1% lows bad, but that’s a specific known issue that they’re working on.