God I hate this meme format
Yeah, it’s so annoying and masturbatory. “Everyone who criticizes my treat is just shrieking at me for liking it”. I don’t like people fixating on tech aspects (at least for indies and small publisher games, AAA can get fucked), but they do not, in my experience, shriek at me for liking things that run poorly.
Lol did you not see Starfield or Cities Skylines 2 comments? It’s hate circle jerks
Are you saying you want the OP to QUIT HAVING FUN?
Normalize unfinished / unoptimized games!
I love poor development practices because I personally don’t mind!
Ah jesus this game is shit ain’t it. I have never seen this meme being used for a game that isn’t dull as dishwater.
Fuck I was actually looking forward to this one.
on the bright side, once it’s in a playable state after a few patches it will probably be on sale!
I’ve been having fun. I feel like the performance criticism is significantly overblown.
Performance could be better, but we’re talking motion blur and smoothing frame rates when swapping texture pallets.
Performance issues aren’t my concern, as from what I’ve seen it’s just a couple options causing the problems.
But anytime I’ve seen this meme being used. I always get the impression the game isn’t fun, because why would you think people are out to ruin your fun unless you’re not actually having fun.
The mailbag showdown episode of zero punctuation talks about this better than what I could.
Yeah, I usually see it being used when a game lands in the “bad press” category.
Personally, ive felt slightly frustrated at the dogpilling because it’s the type of game where I want to go look at the community response, see some of what other people are building, and get ideas for things to try to add to mine. Right now it’s hard to do that because looking for hospital placement tips just gets an air horn blast about how it’s unplayable because search engines suck sometimes.And sometimes you just see the same posts over and over, and it just doesn’t match with what you’re actually doing and seeing and you want to laugh at people complaining about 30fps and no motion blur being unplayable in a city building game.
It’s performance, especially on top of the line hardware (13900k + 4090) is dogshit yeah? Just so we’re under no illusions about the state this game was released in.
The icing on the cake is colossal orders gaslighting saying that there’s no practical benefit to having anything above 30 FPS, as if there’s not a tangible benefit to playing games at a smooth 60FPS compared to a sloppy 30 FPS
Unless it’s VR, then you’re definitely not having fun at 30fps.
Unless your idea of fun is motion sickness.
This is very much not my experience
You must be a Quest 1 standalone VRChat user
~In a modern title designed to be played at 60+, definitely. I’ve been having a blast in dark souls 1 and GTA:SA recently, both of which are capped at 30. Older games are made to work at that FPS, and it takes remarkably little time to adjust and have it feel normal. If I tried to play armored core at 30fps, on the other hand, I think I’d rip my teeth out in frustration.~
Edit: misinterpreted the comment above as “unless it’s VR (i.e., in all cases except VR), you are not having fun” rather than “unless it’s VR, in which case you are not having fun.”
Fascinating! It never would have occurred to me that the sentence was worded ambiguously until you pointed it out, but your interpretation is 100% valid. English is a strange language.
Dude above did specify in VR though, and I agree. Forget playing anything in VR below 60.
I misunderstood too, so you aren’t alone there.
I play on a 720p projector and I’m really happy.
Thats the way
One of my TVs is 720p and I’m keeping it until it dies.
Imo projectors look fine on lower resolutions. It’s like CRT, the technology hides the lower detail a lot better than LCD.
Game was worth picking up for a dollar on a 14 day Xbox PC game pass trial membership. I got to see first hand how dogshit the performance is! Look at these great numbers (medium settings, no DOF, no volumetrics, 1440p, no vsync)
Look at it absolutely obliterate my 4090 and push my 13900k to the limit. Love to see games released in this state…
You should double check your settings, you may have “Adaptive Resolution” turned on (since it is on by default), but it actually makes performance worse while making everything nice and vaseline-y. Also maybe change the AA, if you hit the advanced settings you can enable TAA which had better overall performance than the others for me.
Edit: oh and I get just barely below you for performance, on a 3800x (OC) and a 3070 (Undervolt OC). Somewhere around 40fps avg, peaks of 60-70. 1% lows bad, but that’s a specific known issue that they’re working on.
Nice mangohud config.
Any first person game at 30fps will give me motion sickness sadly
Strategy games don’t give me any issues though. Which is good because half of them have their campaign speed locked at 30fps with all game logic and map scripts tied to it
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I wish every reasonably popular old game would get a remaster that only decouples frame rate from game logic. That’s all I need for the old C&C games.
NSFW Rivals is the greatest typo ever btw.
Everone can play what they want but 30 fps is unbearable in most -not all- games
Maybe I’m just not very observant but I can barely tell the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps. I only start to notice below 25.
Everyone’s perception is different. I can do 60 fps. I prefer 90 fps minimum and 120 fps target. I see no benefit at 144 or higher. Anything below 60 fps and I just get frustrated. That’s my perception.
30 fps though is something we should move away from. Given how far we’ve come in with all kinds of hardware and software features.
Wild. 60 looks terrible to me. I can’t really tell the difference above 120fps though.
In my day 30fps in Unreal Tournament was considered reasonable.
Kids these days…
Well unreal Tournament is older than me and i am a legal adult. So suffice to say that the technology wasn’t really there yet for games
You would be wrong.
Sure. And I used to be okay downloading my porn at 56kbps. Now I want my smut so hi-def that I can see the actors’ emotional scars. Peoples’ standards change as technology advances. If you want to be stuck in 2001, go right ahead, but that doesn’t mean everyone else has to be.
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I played RuneScape 3 for years at 18 fps on max settings on my shitter computer and I honestly couldn’t tell at all and had fun the whole time.
I remember playing OSRS and Team Fortress 2 on my shitter PC with like 10-20fps.
It was fine back then, considering my brain hadn’t yet normalized 60+, but nowadays I struggle with anything under 50fps. I guess I played too many fast-paced games since then because Switch games that fluctuate between 25-30fps really turn me off from playing.
I’ve played plenty of minecraft at 15-20 fps and had an awesome time.
Unbearable is wholly subjective.
Can agree. I can play 30fps without complaints because most of my life I was playing on low-end PCs
Let’s put it this way:
Everyone has different standards in terms of motion blur they can bear, and you need a certain framerate to achieve that standard at any given speed of motion on screen.
It’s not just about how smooth the game looks, but also how smooth it feels to control. 30 fps is way too sluggish for me. Granted, most people would probably reach a point of diminishing return somewhere after 60 fps, unless you’re someone with the reflexes and hardware (high polling rate mouse, good frame timing on your monitor, low system lag, etc.) to back it up. I’m quite comfy between 120 to 144 fps, but there’s some absolute monsters out there who would probably find that too slow.
If it’s not a very fast moving game, like a turn based RPG, then it doesn’t matter that much, but at least 60 fps is still a must for me to not look like a slideshow.
Latency plays a big part too, that’s true. I mentioned that in another comment.
Though how bad a higher latency feels is also tied to how fast you move your mouse. Slowly panning across the map of your city builder makes latency less of an issue than wanting to hit flickshots in Counterstrike.
Latency and framerate go hand in hand, though depending on the game, one might be more important to you than the other.
Which is where frame interpolation gets funny.
We really should move away from 30 fps as a baseline for PC gaming.
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To me, 30fps is unbearable in fast paced games, but okay in slow paced games. This is a slow paced game, so I’m fine as long as the fps stays above 24 with a 1% low of at least 20.
Saying they were aiming for 30 FPS was a mistake I think. When you play Skylines you want to admire the whole thing functioning especially if you have a decent PC and in 2023 30 FPS is just not acceptable. This is what you get however for making a complex simulation in Unity rather than actually making it from scratch like it should be.
That said, I am getting 30 FPS on a 100k pop map and it is playable once you get used to the occasional jerkiness of it. On my now 8k pop map I’m getting 60-90 FPS after following some guides I’ve seen online about tweaking some settings.
I hope they do eventually optimise this game better but from everything I’ve seen in other Unity games that suffer similar problems its going to be a long road to treak.
Ive seen on some other threads that skylines 2 is able to get better frames if you turn off some settings like fog and depth of field and that it’s likely these two effects specifically that are borked.
The problem is when the game is visibly lagging after turning down the graphics.
And you can’t remediate the issue because consoles aren’t upgradable. And then the question is - why did they sell the game on console in the first place?
Didn’t they delay console launch for this reason?
If I had to choose, I’d take a solid 30 FPS over a constantly stuttering 60 FPS any day, because stuttery frames can completely ruin your immersion.
as an avid fan of cities skylines I’m so very disappointed.
as someone who works in software… I’m eagerly waiting for next year when I do buy the game.
the games industry is a business at the end of the day and building software is a very expensive process. I understand that executives want to see returns start to come in now rather than later and if they make some customers angry then they’ve weighed the risks and decided it’s worth it.
Games make the overwhelming majority of the money right at the start either way, so there’s that.
I don’t think that has been the case for at least a full console generation, maybe more.
Look at the rise and fall of pre-order goodies to get a rough estimate of when publishers really, really wanted you to buy the game day 1 (and when it stopped mattering as much)
I stream the game on my TV from the Steam Deck with 30fps, reduced resolution, video compression and input lag.
I still enjoy it and I’m too lazy to put in an HDMI/DP cable.
Heads up for whoever might not know it, we have a community at !citiesskylines@lemmy.ml
Thanks for sharing. I usually browse the sub on the old site to kill any interest of me playing the game for hours ಥ‿ಥ