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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • In many ways it’s more restrictive than before, albeit better for the intended use case.

    I had to scroll way too far down for someone to point that out.

    There will be a lot of people facing problems like yours with actual family members living abroad, and others will face issues with sharing with friends abroad or friends that used to change often or paid sharing that changed often.

    I am a cynic so I think it is mostly done to hinder paid sharing and sharing with friends and family abroad is collateral damage.

    A second use is probably that child protection is now pushed away from Steam and more towards the parents. I think that was necessary because European countries and maybe others were putting Valve under pressure and they do not want to implement a real age verification (they should imho). Now they can just say: “Kids should not have free access to a PC to be able to make an account, parents need to do that for them and restrict access age appropriate, it is not our concern anymore!” I have my doubt that will be enough for the EU though, but might buy them time.

    I think many people haven’t realized the downsides of this yet and only see where it benefits them. We will have complaints about the one year cooldown soon.

  • Wirrvogel@feddit.detomemes@lemmy.worldAhhhh nature
    5 months ago

    If someone is lost as I was:


    deer protect their young from predators, the young deer are in the center of the circle where the predator can’t get to
    a group of army ants, separated from the main foraging party, lose the pheromone track and begin to follow one another, forming a continuously rotating circle. This circle is commonly known as a “death spiral” because the ants might eventually die of exhaustion

  • Wirrvogel@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlNo choice was given
    6 months ago

    A shutdown and a fresh start also deletes files that aren’t used anymore and the PC does check itself for hardware problems. Starting a PC could take a long time in the past, but my current 7 year old system starts in about 10 seconds, a newer system could start faster. I also turn off all peripherals like monitors and printer etc. with one switch after the computer is off, to make sure there is not a single light still wasting electricity. Standby devices in a common houshold use so much electricity, that it amounts to a lot of money over a year. But I guess we are still in the phase of convinience over climate and people have money to waste too.

  • Wirrvogel@feddit.detoMemes@lemmy.mlNo choice was given
    6 months ago

    From your link:

    but the option to choose a new time was greyed out

    Which only ever happened for me if I had already pushed back an update multiple times. Which then means they had all the time in the world to make sure they do the update before they start such a critical, multiple days long process. These are people without forced update they would never make updates and they are the reason forced updates have to happen now.

  • Not so funny when it actually happens to you:

    Because of really bad experiences with alcoholics as a child, I am afraid of people who drink. My psychologist and my doctor wrote that down.

    When I became seriously ill and could no longer work in my old job, I had to retrain. To do this, you have to go to the German employment office and get an assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, including what your doctor and therapist have to say.

    They read the paper from my doctor and my psychologist, but just skimmed over the words and decided that because the word “alcoholic” was there, I must be the alcoholic. They told me that I could get paid retraining and benefits, but only if I attended a therapy group for alcoholics once a week - me, who is afraid of alcoholics because of the abuse I suffered as a child. … I immediately started crying and swore that I had no problem with alcohol, only with alcoholics!

    It took 6 months to get someone at the job centre to actually read the papers word for word to find out that me saying “I’m not an alcoholic” was not me being an alcoholic in denial. I got a half-assed apology and my retraining 6 months after I could have started it because of this. Not to mention that every time I refused to go to AA meetings they threatened to take away my benefits and I was in such a bad mental state that I probably would have killed myself without the help of my family. Oh, and my family who tried to intervene were labelled as co-alcoholics, holding me back.